Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Milo Dinosaur

Perth went through a SCORCHING 42C on Sunday and 41C on Monday. It is that bad that I felt literally "cooked!"

Sweet AR always have something up his sleeve. Hearing me whinge and complain, he made me a mug of milo dinosaur which is a huge mug of cold milo drink sprinkled with some extra milo powder on top.

It reminds me of the dessert post that I made recently. Much as we have our ups and downs, we know that it can be worked out eventually. This birthday of yours hubby, made me realise how much I appreciate him being around me and how much more blessed I am to have him for more years to come.

Milo Dinosaur
1/4 cup of hot water
2-3 tablespoon of milo

1/2 cup of cold skim milk
ice ice ice!
Milo powder

Disolve milo in hot water. Top with cold milk and ice. (If not cold, stick it in the freezer for 5 mins!) Sprinkle milo powder on it.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUBBY! May you be showered with even more blessings this year.


  1. So sweet of your hubby. Happy Birthday to AR!

  2. Oooo AR is such a sweetie. Happy Birthday to him!

  3. Thank you everyone!! :) Blessed I am for having such a wonderful wife who fills my tummy up everytime, and appreciates small gestures like the occassional Milo Dinosaur!

  4. ahhh, i do this always! scoops of milo on my milk milo! :) wink

  5. our local delight! :D I'm trying to concoct my home version milo dino too :)

  6. extreme weather in the northern and southern hemisphere :O

    your hb is already blessed to have you. maybe another little daphne for more blessings? ;p

  7. Milo Dinosaur? Always a fave at the mamak stalls and even franchise kopitiams here in Malaysia. I even found it on the menu at Toastbox @Food Republic in Hong Kong recently, transplanted there courtesy of our Singaporean neighbours. :)

  8. Hi there!
    If I'm not mistaken - they call this Milo Shake in Malaysia....good stuff:)


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!