Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Hubby's Birthday Adventure P1- Crispy Grilled Salmon on a bed of herb potatoes and prosciutto wrapped asparagus

Cooking for the hubby's birthday is a challenge-especially when it falls on a weekday. He requested for salmon and I know he wants it crispy skinned. A penchant for bacon, he has always wanted to try prosciutto but cringed at the price.

So arriving home after 07:15pm and started cooking within that 5mins-finishing up by 08:30pm is pretty decent don't you think? Not only that, we even managed to squeeze in the movie Avatar at 09:15pm! (Imagine 25 mins of scoffing down food that took me 1 hour and 15 mins to prepare!).

All worth it though. It's not my best but it was  good enough... (see P2 and P3)!

Crispy Grilled Salmon on a bed of herb potatoes and prosciutto wrapped asparagus 
2 portions of salmon

2 potatos chopped
olive oil
 1 knob of butter
herbs lots of mixed herbs

1 bunch of Asparagus
50 grams of prosciutto

Heat pan till hot with olive oil, grill salmon skin side down first till crisp. Lower heat and sear salmon. Once cook, rest aside.

In another pan, melt butter and olive oil together. Saute potatoes with herbs. Sprinkle with salt at the end.

Wash and prepare asparagus but shaving off the wooden tips. Wrap prosciutto around it. Grill it for around 5-10 mins.

Try juggling 3 pans at once and see what turns out! :P


  1. Ah yes, Prosciutto is so expensive. I actually buy it in a large package at one of our local box retailers that sells it for a super value and also separates each slice with wax paper, so they don't stick together. I cook so much with it. Goes perfectly with asparagus!

  2. What a wonderful birthday meal! I love to cook grill/ pan fry salmon when I'm pressed for time too. The asparagus wrapped in prosciutto looks yummy and pretty :)

  3. What a wonderful meal you had prepared! I would love the prosciutto wrapped asparagus. BTW, happy belated birthday to your hubby.

  4. Happy Birthday to you hubby. He is a lucky man to have you cook for him :D

  5. Dishing up some pretty food!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday Armand!!! What a wonderful dinner!

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Life is too short to waste calories!