Monday, October 25, 2010

Carmelised Pineapple with Banana and Grande Ice cream

Sometimes, the simplest sweets is enough to "finish" off a meal. If someone ever asks me if I have a preference between savory or sweet foods, I will have difficulty answering that. Truth is that I like both!

Pineapples are in season and boy...are they sweet. I wonder what did they add into this season's crop of pineapples?!?! We have been having 1 or 2 pineapples every week. 

And Woolworths was having a sale on Connoisseur ice cream -$4 a tub! Seriously good stuff. I bought AR the Cafe Grande and it even has choc coated peanuts folded through the ice-cream. 

So I decided to jazz his ice-cream up a little more but caramelizing pieces of pineapples that was coated with brown sugar. Ah..... the sauce, the pineapple, the ice-cream.. what not to love spring?


  1. Wow, a lovely sweet dessert you have. I like it too! :P

  2. i love caramelized everything. i have never tried caramelized pineapple, but i am pretty sure i will love it!

  3. This is indeed a very yummy dessert! I just love it. I think I need to buy some bananas!
    amish baby cribs


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Life is too short to waste calories!