Friday, October 08, 2010

Cranberry Scones

Sweet things come in small sizes too. It has been nearly 4 years since I made scones! I can't believe how long it has been. I love scones for morning or afternoon tea. Who can resist fluffy carbs with fruits? Especially when slather with fruit jam. My colleagues love to have theirs with cream but I actually prefer scones and jam.

These scones came up in mini sizes before I used a smaller cutter, and so that there is enough for everyone. I think the recipe yields 12 but I made 20. Oops. I would have prefer them to rise abit more. I  blame my rough handling of the dough at the end.

I used the recipe from Essentials of Baking- One that I have for around 8-9 years now. Besides my Donna Hay Classics, this is the other one I look to frequently. Funny though, they have changed their cover (mine is white and hardcover) and I still prefer the older version!

Cranberry Scones (makes 12 normal size ones or 20 mini!) 
2 1/2 cups of self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
pinch salt
40 grams butter
1 cup of milk (I used soy)
1 cup of cranberries
1 tsp of sugar

Preheat Oven 220C. Line baking tray with paper.
Rub butter in flour, baking powder and salt until mixture becomes crumbly. Add one tsp of sugar. Pour milk and mix it with using a cutting action till dough comes together. Handle it lightly.. Using floured hands, gather dough and lift on to a lightly floured surface. Pat into a ball and roll dough to 2 mm thick. Using a floured cutter (use 6 cm if wanting a bigger scone), cut into rounds. Place close on baking trays, brush with some milk and bake for 12-15 mins.


  1. Yummy! Loved scones! Added bonus with cranberries!

  2. I have to try this when I'm free. looks so good. I still have leftover dried cranberry from Christmas last year sitting in the freezer, can you believe that!

  3. I have not had scones for ages...definitely more than 4 yrs!

  4. I am SO ready to get into cranberry eating now that it's fall here. These scones look like the perfect gateway treat!

  5. Love scones of all flavor and combo


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!