Monday, December 20, 2010

Blueberry Dark and White Choc Muffins

I made these babies for work earlier in the month. The beautiful thing about summer in Australia is the abundance of fresh gorgeous fruits. Blueberries are in season again and I couldn't resist getting a few punnets to munch on. These muffins contains yogurt which makes it a healthier option than butter. The only catch is that I did put in heaps of dark and white chocolate (to satisfy both dark and white chocolate lovers in the office).

I nearly forgot these muffin cups that I bought in Singapore a few years ago. I had to dust it and make sure they are clean before using them again. I like how small they were, which makes you feel good eating ...just... one...more.. Certainly a recipe to keep and play with.

Blueberry Dark and White Choc Muffins (I made 18 small ones)
2 1/2 cups of self raising flour
1/2 cup caster sugar
1/2 cup white choc bits and 1/2 cup dark choc bits
1 punnet of blueberries
2 tbs olive oil
1/2 cup greek yogurt with vanilla bean (Or use plain greek yogurt) 
3/4 cup soy milk

Preheat Oven 180. Place muffin cups on baking tray.

Mix flour, sugar and chocolate in a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix eggs, oil, yogurt and milk together. Fold wet ingredients to dry till combined. Fold in berries. Spoon mixture in muffin cups. Bake for 25-30 mins till it turned golden brown.


  1. This is really adorable! I like the size and the colors!
    dining table

  2. These are so pretty! Dark and white chocolate are my favorites...give me both and I'll be unendingly happy! Love those muffin cups.

  3. Looks great, I won't mind having this muffin for breakfast and snack. :)

  4. It's good that blogging brings me to another part of the world which is summer! It is wet wintery here in the US.

  5. Looks really good. Nice to have it on Christmas eve too!

  6. so pretty and delicious looking! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! ♥

  7. Oh i love the big muffins with a combination of all my favourites-chocolate and blueberries!

    Merry Christmas Daphne!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!