Monday, January 10, 2011

Lamb Sausage Rolls

The aroma of freshly baked pastries as we walked passed a bakery hits us. The internal battle of "should I or should I not" crosses my mind. The golden brown pastries sparkle under the light. The tomato sauce by its side. The price, being $3.50 isn't really too expensive... or so I thought!

Often, we avoid having meat pastries from shops as the type of meat, amount of fat and ingredients is unknown. A quick search on line gave me the inspirations of making sausage rolls at home. Gathering up the ingredients, I realised that puff pastries, lamb (or even lean beef mince), plus the other ingredients add up to be around $15. With that amount, I managed to make enough sausage rolls to last us for 3meals + a snack for hubby. That's around 16 sausage rolls!!! Although they are not huge in size, but at least when hubby is eating them, I know he is not eating fat and sinew. Not forgetting a big serve of salad to counteract the the cholesterol.

At least that is what I kept telling myself ;P

Lamb Sausage Rolls (makes at least 16 rolls)

450 grams of lamb mince-as lean as possible.
2 springs of rosemary
1 cup of bread crumbs (I used packaged but 2 pieces of old bread processed into crumbs)
some spices- I used 1/4 tsp of chili, 1 tsp of cumin, 1 tsp of curry powder
1 tsp of honey 
2 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce
cracked pepper
2 tablespoon of corn flour
1 egg

4 pieces of puff pastry-defrosted1 tablespoon of poppy seeds
1 egg -beaten lightly

Marinate lamb mince with the other ingredients. Preheat Oven to 200C. Place baking paper on 2 baking trays.Divide each pastry into fourths. Place around 1 to 2 tablespoon of mince in the middle of the quarter. Roll. Seal using some of the egg. Place on baking tray. Repeat. Brush eggwash on to each sausage roll. Sprinkle poppy seeds on them. Bake for 25 minutes till golden brown. Serve with a salad.



  1. This can be a comfort meal, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. :)

  2. sausage roll! MY FAVORITE! Lemme try...maybe with different skin as I hardly buy puff pastry ;)

  3. Yummy, yummy! Those rolls looks sooo good! Lamb, rosemary and pepper... How tasty!!

  4. It's always nice to make food from scratch so you know what's going in it!! These sausage rolls look delish!

  5. I enjoy a good sausage roll anytime but not just from anywhere. If only I had homemade ones...

  6. This reminds me of the sausage rolls at Sydney's Bourke street bakery :)...I will have to start baking savory rolls like these. :)

  7. Oh yummy, my girls would love this!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!