Sunday, February 20, 2011

Baked Pandan and Coconut Milk Cake

A very belated post. Late January, it was hubby and granny's birthday. Turns out that this year, Granny's Chinese birthday (according to the lunar calender) is the same as hubby's English birthday!

On the day itself, hubby bought his own birthday cake. I felt so bad.. but work means that I did not get home till late that day. It was a sweet day though as granny waited till both hubby and I are back, staying up late to cut her birthday cake (Sharing with hubby of course). I rarely have the chance to celebrate granny's birthday-given that I'm not in Singapore often. I think she senses it too, that despite my working hours, we sincerely want to spend it with her.

To make it up, I decided to make a cake that I thought will make both of them happy. It has to be something slightly different since granny isn't a fan of sweet creamy cakes. I decided to adapt a Nyonya recipe from one of Andrew Kow's cookbook "Nyonya Kuih with Passion". It has coconut- so I know it will be a winner with hubby.

While I was making it, granny commented that it is unusual to be cooking the batter on the stove before baking it. Indeed. The batter will become very thick-like when one is making yam or radish cake.

The result is.... a happy granny and hubby. =)

Baked Pandan and Coconut Milk Cake
200 grams Rice Flour
80 grams mung bean flour
150 grams of sugar (reduced from 300 grams)
1400 ml of coconut milk (I used 1000 ml of coconut milk and 200 coconut cream)
20 grams of sago powder (omitted as I dont have it!)
pandan essence- around 2 tsp

Oil a square baking tin. Pre heat oven 180C.

Place all ingredients into a pot. Mix well and cook using medium heat. Keep stirring till the batter becomes thick. Bake for 30 minutes till it becomes golden brown on the top. Leave to cool. Cut into pieces and serve.



  1. Happy Belated Birthday, Armand and Granny!!:) Here's to fantastic health and happiness to the both of you. For Armand, continue to love and treasure Daphne!:) LOL!

    For Granny, continue to stay this cute and hope that you enjoy your stay in Perth.


  2. This must be milky and fragrant!

  3. i hate it when working gets in the way of fun things like birthdays and cake baking! But you definitely made it up with this lusciously delicious cake!

  4. Happy belated birthday to your granny and hub. Must be a yummy kuih cake.

  5. Thankds Celine!

    Little inbox- indeed ;)

    Joanne- Hopefully Joanne!

    Little Corner- Indeed it was a kuih cake!

  6. i also have this bbok but i have not tried out this recipe, it must be good and very aromatic. I can tell that you are very close to your granny..i can see you featured her a lot in your blog.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!