Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cashew Nut Cookies 2

Oh 3 months went so quickly and granny is back in Singapore again. The house certainly feels empty and different without her presence. Nevertheless, I know I will be back in Singapore in a few months to see her and my family and love ones :)

A few people commented that I am very close to my grandmother. Granny is my maternal grandma. She looked after me since I was an infant, and I do have a very close attachment to her. My parents worked really hard to provide for the family, and it was really a blessing that a close family member was able to care for me when I was a child. I think for my mother, it was probably a relief that someone she can trust took care of her daughter. I  have a close relationship with my mother too, and people always comment that we look alike. In fact, a work colleague once commented to me that she wish I will age as gracefully as my mother and grandmother!

For my hubby, he laughed often when he goes shopping with us. He said it is often a abit of a sight to see 3 generations shopping since we will always head to the same department together- the shoes. Yes we love our shoes!

Another friend also said that she thinks it is amazing how my hubby wouldn't mind granny staying with us for an extended period of time-and even have the design of our new home with her in mind. In all honesty, I didn't even think that would be a problem! What a considerate wife I am. When I asked him that, he said that he does not have the privilege of spending time with his grandmothers anymore as they have passed on and therefore, thinks of granny as his own. I swear that granny adores him and would often cooks what he likes- walking to the nearest oriental store just to purchase his favourite bittergourd vegetable. They banter and tease each other in broken English and Cantonese-which often makes me laugh till I stitch while they stare at me waiting for me to translate what they were saying.

Ahh..good times indeed.

Turns out that granny loves Cashew Nut Cookies just as much as my hubby does. I have no idea where I took this recipe from, but it has a more crumbier and melt in your mouth texture. Both of them prefer this recipe than the last one probably because it does have a more fragrant smell to it. It does crumbles very easier so take extra care when storing them-or else you ended up with more crumbs in your mouth than cookies in your jar.

Unless that's the way u want it. ;)

Oh oh does anyone know a traditional Hup Tou Sou recipe? I really want to conquer my fear of making them!!

Cashew Nut Cookies 2 (makes around 16 cookies)
90 grams flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
pinch salt
40 grams confectionery sugar
1/2 cup roasted and ground walnuts
80ml of olive oil (but u can use peanut oil too)

Extra cashew nuts for garnishing.

Egg wash- egg yolk whisked

Preheat oven 180C. Line baking tray with baking paper.

Sieve flour, baking powder, soda, salt and sugar together. Fold in ground walnuts and oil. Knead with your hands into a soft dough. Using a teaspoon, spoon dough and roll into a ball. Flatten and place on tray. Place one cashew nut onto dough. Bake for 15 minutes till golden.



  1. A very heart warming story :) Hope you have a good trip back to Singapore in a few months time and enjoy more delicious good food!

  2. Lovely cookies! How fun to go shopping together :)

  3. My oh my! Cashews and cookies. Amazing combo and I love hearing aout your granny. If I had a hup tou sou recipe to give you I would- better yet- if I knew what that was I would help you! LOL! Kidding- I know what it is but I don't got a recipe! Hope you find one though because I would love for you to share it!XO

  4. Time with your granny also seems short, from your blog posting's perspective. ;p But it's ok, you will be spending more time in Singapore in months to come. Treasure every moment!

  5. your husband is indeed a wonderful man and i think you're really really blessed having all of them around you always! And i also think they are so luck now to be able to enjoy all that you bake for them. If i come across a traditional hup toh soh recipe, i'll let you know..meanwhile you can try googling for that..

  6. Cookies look yummy! And how great that you will get to go back in a few months to spend more time with your family.

  7. I seen this recipe in other blog before, hold on, let me check, wait...
    I got it, here is the link-
    I have no time to try this recipe during CNY, maybe you want to try this.

  8. I'm loving all your versions of cashew nut cookies! It's so sweet how close you are to your mom and grandmom... and so is your hubby who is so thoughtful towards your grandmom :)

  9. People bake this for Chinese New Year too.

  10. Min- thank you! I am sure we will

    jen- it is!

    jessica-u r such a sweetie!

    tigerfish- it always seem short.. but i cherish every minute!

    lena-he is indeed wonderful!

    little corner- aww, thanks ching. yeah..looking forward to it!

    sonia- thanks for the link!!!! might just give it a go..;)

    noobcook- u r always very kind!

    little inbox- ya! i always miss the cooking at CNY so i am compensating!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!