Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Lamb Curry 2

Determined not to be disappointed with my first curry-from-scratch experience, I rolled up my sleeve and decided to give it a go again. This time round, I have ALL the ingredients with me-including curry leaves and ginger.

I opted to use a milder Indian curry powder which still provided the kick. We are a family who loves our spiciness but even my grandma admitted that last batch was abit too potent. You can tell that the colour is slightly different too-probably because I cooked this longer, and added more potatoes to it. This means I had to add more water to it too.

I was told that each time one makes curry, it may taste slightly different. But as long as we keep tasting, keep smelling, and keep adjusting, it will be fine. I did just that. Thankfully, everyone could stomach this curry, and the leftovers were even more tasty the next day.

See recipe and Lamb Curry 1 here.



  1. Oh delicious indeed! I can smell the curry now and I bet the lamb is so succulent!

  2. Too bad I don't know how to appreciate lamb, not use to the smell.

  3. Love lamb esp those Indian lamb/goat curry but I never cook it before. I should learn from my friend's mom soon. She cooks really good Indian food and curry at home.

  4. yay! Congrats on your curry success! This looks delicious!

  5. Kitchen belleicious- it was indeed tender ;)

    Ching- ya! u r not a fan of lamb. ;)

    Tigerfish- yeah! u shld, then i can learn from u!

    Joanne- thanks dear!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!