Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Pork and Century Egg Rice Porridge- A bowl of comfort

It has been years since I have the care of my granny when I am unwell. The terrible heat got into me recently and I was down with bad headaches, cool, sore throat..etc. Granny knowing that I didn't feel like eating, offered to make me some rice porridge.

It's a dish that you can find in most dim sum restaurants. I grew up eating lots of rice porridge as my family was not well to do. That was what granny could feed me for lunch on most days when I was in primary and secondary school (on a good day, we have fish fingers AND rice porridge!). When I was in my late teens/early twenties, I couldn't stomach any more rice porridge since I had it so often!

Century egg is probably regarded as bizarre food for some. I suppose it is a version of preserved egg. And since we have so many types of preserve food-surely it makes sense to preserve duck eggs too? LOL I suppose it does have a strong smell, but the taste of it goes very well with plain rice congee/porridge or even on tofu!

Granny cooked the rice porridge slowly and for more than 2 hours. This gives the porridge a nice silky texture. True Cantonese style, she added in some lean pork mince, only adding in the eggs in the last 5 minutes of the cooking process. I love how she added some spring onions as well.

Each spoonful tastes of love.

Pork and Century Egg Rice Porridge (Serves 3-4)
1 cup of rice
6 cups of water (or more!)

200 grams pork mince marinated with soya, pepper and corn flour.
1 century egg diced
spring onion

Simmer rice and water for 1.5 hrs. Around 1 hour mark, add in pork mince balls. Cook for another 30 minutes, adding the egg and spring onion in the last 5 mins. Serve.



  1. comfort food indeed! century egg and pork balls combi is unbeatable.

  2. truly comforting and i can also feel the love that granny has for you!

  3. Really a bowl of comfort. I really love the century egg in porridge, delicious!

  4. You're right, this is a real comfort food! I love eating congee in the morning. You remind me I haven't done so for a while!

  5. Hope you are feeling better now. Porridge is really a comfort food for me too. I ate lots of chicken congee when I fell sick in the past month.

  6. Comforting max! I am super spoiled as this is so readily available everywhere here... I've never tried making it at home (guilty)

  7. Lovely story of love and taste :) I'm not a fan of century egg but yours looked scrumptious!

  8. noobcook- thanks

    ching- me too!

    cooking gallery- that's true! i rarely have it for breakfast..funny enough.

    tigerfish- thanks dear! u r right, congee is good comfort food.

    rita- u lucky girl! if i am in hk, i wouldnt make it as well! LOL

    min- yeah, it's not for everyone is it? but i loved it!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!