Wednesday, April 06, 2011

My Ultimate Chocolate Brownies

If there is ever one recipe that I have attachment issues with, it would be my brownies.

It was year 2002 or was it 2003? I can't quite remember now. All I can remember was I survived many moments with these brownies.
  • Stack of assessments to complete at Uni. Brownies. 
  • Tears over bad grade. Brownies.
  • Stressed friends. Brownies
  • Helping a friend to impress her boyfriend. Brownies
  • A big thank you to a supervisor? Brownies
  • Break up tears? Brownies
  • I hate statistics. Brownies
  • Marking assignments. Brownies
  • Celebration in completion of thesis-s. Brownies
  • Farewells at various internships. Brownies 
  • Impress the potential (and now quite real!) extended family members of in laws. Brownies 
Brownies were actually one of the first most successful bakes I have ever done. Ask my hubby. He survived rock cakes (I mean rock!). We weren't even dating yet! What about floury cookies? Or raw ones? Oh I have done it all. My poor friends who survived through my years of disasters (and more to come). 

But somehow, as I grow tougher, more adventurous... I neglected my brownies. I say mine with a big possessiveness neon sign on it.  When a few colleagues took turns to bring their version of chocolate brownies, something in me stirred.

I HAD to make brownies.

Over my uni years (~8 years!!!), many late nights, allowed me to change and alter the recipe till it I can call mine finally. It's seriously my pride and joy. Even though it's a simple, everyone can do it dessert.... the smell of the mixture, the chocolate.. .. it brought me back to yester-years.

So finally, I decided to share with you my ultimate. It's my favourite of all favourites. It's dark, rich, slight crisp on outside and soft/fudgy on the inside. And perhaps then you could create more tomorrow, future years of memories. 

My Ultimate Chocolate Brownies 
1/3 cup plain flour
1/2 cup of Nestle Cocoa Powder 
1 cup of sugar
1.5 cups of chopped toasted pecans/walnuts
250 grams of Lindt dark 70% chocolate (Sometimes, I used a mixture of 60% or 70%. I even experimented with peppermint versions as well)
250 grams of butter melted
2-3 tsp of vanilla essence
4 eggs lightly beaten 

Preheat Oven to 180C. Line slice tin with baking paper.

Sift flour and cocoa. Toss sugar, nuts and broken pieces of dark chocolate in mixture. Make a well in the middle. Pour butter and fold gently. Slowly add in eggs and vanilla. Continue to fold. Then pour into tin, smooth surface and bake for 45-50 minutes. It will still be slightly soft inside-that's perfect! Cool. Chill for 2 hours or overnight before slicing.



  1. Nobody can resists a good brownie. And the great thing is they are not too difficult to whip up to give lip smacky deliciousness like these.

  2. So this is straight-forward.

    Brownies neglect &forgotten. Brownies.


  3. brownies are very much like good friends to you, a good companion that stood by your side thru ups and downs and how it brought back so much memories. Simply lovely!

  4. I like how brownies = solution for everything heheheheh. I also like that they're fool proof and pretty easy to make. I need to make one soon!

  5. This look great! I also started with brownies - My first time - I used a smaller pan than I should have : DISASTER - the insides were undercooked! haha. Since then I've gotten better. I noticed you just added the broken dark chocolate - so no need to melt it before hand?

  6. Looks great Daphne! It's a long time since I've made brownies but yes they are great for so many occasions!!

  7. Oh your brownies looked so moist and dark! YUMMY! Can I have a slice please :)

  8. this is my hubby favourite, but i have yet to make one that he loves, let me try your recipe and get him to review, hehehe..Thanks for sharing.

  9. Ultimate indeed! They look insanely good. I love how moist and chewy they seem in the picture. Can you please pass some along! LOL!

  10. Yummy! Your brownie looks great.

  11. Brownies is such a comfort food isn't it? Bought a new oven and I shall try it on my day off next week. Will let you know how it turns out yah.

  12. Your brownies looked fudgy in the middle, yumyums. Anyway who doesn't like brownies?

  13. Ultimate, that's a strong word. Looks so fudgy and perfect.

  14. Good brownies really can get you through just about anything. They are required for a happy life, I'm convinced. These look the perfect amount of fudgy and delicious!

  15. Shirley- awww. thanks dearie.

    tigerfish- haha. ya! the simpler it is the bettter. ;P

    lena- that's exactly right.

    rita- yeah. it is a good 'emergency dessert' too.

    Sudden Cook- I totally understand! I havent experienced that with brownies but with other cakes before.

    Jen- thanks!

    Min- of course u can ;)

    Sonia- would love to see what he says!

    Jessica-i'm so glad u like it too.

    Ching- thanks!

    Babe_KL_ hehehe. I hope so. but maybe none chocolate lovers will not like this as much.

    Victor- I'm proud of these brownies LOL

    JOanne- that's true. it's a balance!

  16. These brownies look amazing! I've been itching to send a friend some brownies (as she's getting ready for finals during her freshman year at college). I'm sure these will help her get through the last weeks of school. :)


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!