Saturday, June 25, 2011

Spinach Rocket Pesto Salmon Spaghetti

If you ask me, I prefer olive oil based pasta than creamy ones. Don't get me wrong, creamy pastas has its own place as well, but there is something very addictive about olive oil based pastas. It makes your tongue tingle and want more. The flavours seem to dance on your tongue and it lingers.

My experience in making pesto was.... mmm.. once. It was around 5 years ago, when we decided to grow our very own basil plant. It was very successful and soon we were proud owners of a basil... bush! I wish I have a photo to show you! That was when I tried making pesto. Soon after, winter sets in and the bush dwindle down to nothing. :(

Since then, I have never got back into growing our own vegetables and herbs. One day I am sure we will again!

For this version of pesto, I blended basil, spinach and rocket together with some olive oil and parmesan cheese. Instead of pinenuts, I used some pistachios that I had on hand. I love the herby nutty mixture in the end that went very well with smoked salmon.

I'm also happy with our budget for this meal.

Spinach Rocket Basil Pesto- $4
Smoked Salmon- $4 (On sale! yay!)

Total: AU$9

I'm submitting this dish to our monthly budget meals party with Cuisine Paradise. The theme this month is NOODLES! woohoo.

Spinach Rocket Pesto Salmon Spaghetti (Serves 4)
250 grams of Spinach, Rocket and Basil (around 4-5 cups)
2 tsp of grated parmesan cheese
1-2 chili padi diced
1/4 cup of olive oil
1/2 cup of shelled pistachios
100 grams of smoked salmon
500 grams pasta cooked and drained

Blend spinach, chili rocket, basil, cheese, oil and pistachios. Blitz it for 1 min.

Heat a pan up. Sauté the herb/vege mixture. Toss pasta and smoked salmon through. Serve with more cheese.



  1. affordable and tasty! i love!

  2. Yum, I like pesto based pasta too! I need to turn mine in to Cuisine Paradise too.

  3. Daphne, the moment I saw you have chilli Padi in thus recipe, I know I will love this.

  4. I love both creamy and oil-based pastas! Yours looks gorgeous, especially because of the beautiful green colour :)!

  5. For me, tomato-based is first, then comes olive oil dressing (aglio e olio), then creamy-based. :)

  6. sounds amazing..can t wait to give it a try..
    chanced upon your space while blog your blog..
    awesome posts..
    Am your happy subscriber now..:)
    do stop by mine sometime..
    Tasty Appetite

  7. I sort of agree with your stance. I do love creamy kind (in fact I love all sorts of pasta) but simpler is better. But again, I do love meat sauce and that's my #1 or hard to pick when it comes to pasta. Your pasta looks delicious Daphne!!!!

  8. I love that you added salmon to the pasta dish,something I like to do but you don't normally see alot of people doing! What a great dish and the pesto looks amazing

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. i also have a sweet basil plant at home and i was thinking too to make pesto this or next week..also for pasta!! but maybe go with pine nuts or walnuts..not sure yet..this is a great pasta dish, daphne!!

  11. This really sounds lovely. Thereis not a flavor in this dish I don't like. This would be a big hit with my family. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  12. Yup Yup!!! I love this type of quick and easy pasta dish!!!!! Thanks for sharing :)


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Life is too short to waste calories!