Saturday, August 06, 2011

Spiced Potatoes

I didn't have the chance to research and read up on masala potatoes and decided to do a dry potato curry version of what I think would go well. Since it is not the real masala, I decided to call it spiced potatoes instead.

I really like the dance of flavours that goes in this. It's a quick side dish to make for sure. I used a blend of cumin (oh my favourite spice!), coriander powder, turmeric and curry powder.

So till the next time that I make some real masala potatoes, this will do!

Spiced Potatoes (Serves 2-3)
3 potatoes peeled and diced.

1 tablespoon of oil
1 tablespoon of cumin
1 tsp of curry powder
1 tsp coriander powder

Cook potatoes in salted water. Drained. Mean while, heat a shallow pan with oil and fry spices till fragrant. Toss in potatoes for around 5 minutes. Serve warm.



  1. Yummy! My favorite spice is also cumin, so fragrant!

  2. i think this will also make a very good side dish for our malay or indian rice meal.

  3. You know I adore I like your potato dish. :)

  4. this potato sound simple and good.

  5. Ching- yes, i do like cumin and chilli!

    Lena-s thanks!

    tigerfish- Oh yes! I know your love for spices!!

    Sonia- THanks!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!