Thursday, August 23, 2012

Green Tea (Matcha) Ice Cream

Finding a good scoop of green tea ice cream in Perth is pretty difficult. I think I did have one before from a Japanese shop but it tasted sweeter than what I would like. Having spotted this version from Nami, I could not resist trying it.

The result is delicious! There is a good amount of green tea powder and more importantly, the right creaminess to it. It's so good that I couldn't stop licking my spoon as I scoop it into the container. The best thing is that it is really easy to make- and with no eggs too!!

As I write this, I noticed that Sonia from Nasi Lemak made hers too and it looks just as fantastic!

Green Tea (Matcha) Ice Cream Adapted from Nami's Just one Cookbook
1 cup of cream
1 cup of milk
1/4 cup of sugar
3 tablespoon of green tea powder
pinch of salt

Freeze ice cream bowl.

In a saucepan, bring milk, cream, sugar, salt and green tea powder to a simmer. Keep whisking till it starts to have bubbles. Remove from heat. Cool completely. Fridge it till cold.

Churn in ice cream maker for 25-30 mins till creamy. Spoon in container and freeze till firm!



  1. I have replenish this ice cream few times already, because of the strong demand, hehehe . Thanks for mentioned dear.

  2. You know what I need to ried 10 times of word verification then only this comment accepted, phew!

  3. A moment when I wish I had an ice-cream maker!

  4. oh my! wanna try! (wanna get an ice cream maker!)

  5. Yummy! I love green tea ice-cream as I love green tea basically in anything. :)

  6. Matcha flavored treats are awesome! This ice cream looks so refreshing.

  7. Where do you get matcha in Perth?


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!