Monday, September 10, 2012

Miso Carrot Soup

The weather is warming up but I'm still in a very soupy mode. There is just something comforting about soup. Maybe it's because I grow up drinking different kinds of soups, or perhaps inherently, I am reaching out for something that helps me feel comforted.

Everyone go through difficult or  challenging times. For me, a good workout, a laugh with my girlfriends, snuggling up to my hubby, reading magazines or books, baking, cooking or having a warm bowl of soup and more importantly quiet time with my heavenly father are all activities I do to make me feel better.

This soup is rich and comforting for sure. Blended carrots make such a creamy sweet soup. I totally can't get enough of eating this. I made this version with miso but I'm thinking it will do very well with a dash of sour cream.

Now, a word of warning though, be careful after blending this soup and re heating it. It can make a messy kitchen! Nothing like cleaning to make it therapeutic right?

Miso Carrot Soup (serves 6)
2 red onions chopped
1.5 kg of carrots chopped
1 bunch of celery chopped
2 tablespoon of miso paste
2 litres of chicken stock
water if needed

Saute red onions and cook till soft. Add carrots and celery with chicken stock. Cook till done and then blend the soup up. Return to pot and add miso paste. Season, taste and serve.



  1. The weather here is cooling down. But, warming up or cooling down, I am up for soups anytime, esp. a comforting nutritious and healthy soup like this :)

  2. Like tigerfish said (actually she lives not far from me. haha), the weather is going to be cool and the soups recipes are very welcomed by us! Plus I got sick and I need bunch of soup recipes so I can get better... miso in carrot soup? Sounds yummy!

  3. looks rich and deliciously chunky! I will enjoy this in any season.

  4. im sure you know how hot our country is but i'm still drinking soup all the time, boiled and quick ones. will never get rid of soups, carrot and miso, it's a new taste to me :)

  5. i have never tried these 2 flavors together myself but when i think about dishes I have had at different restaurants I can remember having it. Why i haven;t tried it at home is beyond me? I love it! the soup looks healthy and delicious

  6. I always have a bottle if miso paste in the fridge. Used to make seaweed miso soup, enoki miso soup, and tofu miso soup. So, I can try to make this creamy carrot soup with it too...Good idea.

  7. I am SO in the mood for soup and I'm always looking for new ways to use up my huge bag of miso! Loving this!

  8. Wow,
    I love the sound of this soup. I love a good soup and salad for dinner. Need to try this out.

  9. Carrot and miso creamy soup, I think they are good combo!


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Life is too short to waste calories!