Monday, January 14, 2013

Corn Fritters with Bacon and Maple Syrup

I discovered the magic of sweet, savoury and salty. I should have known. Coming from a chinese background, many of our snacks and dishes are sweet and savoury. However, it is only recently that I tasted bacon with maple syrup and was wow by it.

Corn fritters in shops are usually made of flour. Attempting to eat cleaner, I substituted it with almond meal instead. Corn is not exactly paleo- but I'm not really a strict paleo eater. It's a lifestyle guideline about eating clean and fresh that appeals to me. I love corn and the sweetness of it (probably a vegetable with too much sugar, but it's ok occasionally). Surprisingly, the almond meal provided it a little fluff and texture. I added baking soda so that the mixture is slightly lighter.

Crisp bacon, syrup and corn fritters together? A light but fulfilling lunch. I'm not that fearful of fat anymore- but try to make sure that my meat is grass fed and organic as much as possible.

Maple syrup is sugar but probably the lesser of the evil as it is less processed. We bought some back from US where it is so much easier to find maple syrup than Australia! We managed to obtain Grade A- I think it means purer? Amazing stuff. A drizzle is more than enough.

Corn Fritters with Bacon and Maple Syrup (Makes around 8 fritters)
1 cup of almond meal
2 eggs
1 chili chopped
1 tsp of garlic
1.5 cups of corn kernels
1/2 cup of almond milk

6 slices of bacon- free ranged
drizzle of maple syrup

Mix almond meal, eggs, chill, garlic, corn kernels and milk together. Heat pan with coconut oil. Spoon mixture into pan. Turn after 3-5 minutes. Cook till done.

Mean while in another pan, sizzle bacon till crisp.

Serve fritters with bacon and syrup.



  1. i've seen quite a number of bacon recipes with maple that you've proven it to be good, it must be really good then!

  2. Oh yes, I remembered I had honey bacon before and that's definitely better than just the bacon alone. Looks good!

  3. you just combined the flavors of the south with or without knowing it! I am wishing i would have thought of this first! It is genius. Who doesn't look maple with bacon and bacon with corn! LOVE IT

  4. Maple syrup with bacon, sweet and savoury, I can imagine how good is this.,send me more.,

  5. It's funny how I discovered bacon with maple syrup. It was one of those Western buffet breakfast where they serve bacon, breakfast sausage, waffles, and maple syrup. Then I decided to drizzle some maple syrup over bacon and oh, I so love it!

  6. I find that I'm most satisfied when I have both sweet and salty in my meals. These sound like the perfect way to go about doing that! Besides, who could say no to a good fritter!

  7. Thank you so much for your share, it's very delicious .

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Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!