Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Prosciutto Wrapped Chicken Stuffed with Cottage Cheese and Sundried Tomatoes.

I get frustrated when someone tells me you can't feel full while eating clean. It's pretty hard not to feel full with a whole chicken breast! I can't even finish one. That said, I do understand that it get be drying at times.

Did I mention that I use the oven to cook ALOT? Many days, I prepare meals in the morning and stick it in the oven with a timer on. There are times when Asher needs me more or clings to me and I can't always predict when that can happen. When he settles or naps, I whiz around the house doing housework and prepare dinner- at least hubby can come home to a home cooked meal with little washing up to do.

I decided to stuffed some chicken breasts with cottage cheese and sundried tomatoes out of a whim one day and was surprised it was actually good and moist. To top it off, I wrap the chicken with a slice of prosciutto- oh it was yummy! Simple and quick I say.

Prosciutto Wrapped Chicken Stuffed with Cottage Cheese and Sundried Tomatoes (Serves 4)
4 chicken breasts
6 slices of prosciutto
1 cup of cottage cheese
1/4 cup of sundried tomatoes.

Butterfly chicken breasts. The stuffing is really just cottage cheese and sundried tomatoes mixed together. Place stuffing in chicken breast and use prosciutto to wrap it up (I used around 1.5 slice per chicken breast). Bake for 35 minutes at 170C oven.
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  1. i love prosciutto with just about anything especially baked with chicken. It looks divine

  2. The oven is definitely a good helper! I use it often too!

  3. Looks great! Well, a big bowl of green and salad is actually quite filling. And since it's low in calories and basically no fat, one can eat a lot and not worry about it.


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Life is too short to waste calories!