Friday, February 14, 2014

Chai Coconut Vanilla Pancakes

I wasn't a big chai tea fan before. I found the spices too strong for my liking- the cardamon usually gets to me. Then I tried a few other brands and realised it's really the blend of tea that makes the difference. A right blend makes such a big difference in the taste of the tea. These days,  I usually have it with almond milk- although i have tried it with coconut milk before and it was so lovely. Especially on a cold and rainy evening.

Following a few paleo bloggers, this recipe caught my attention. It combines tea and pancakes. Doesn't that sound lovely for breakfast already? Not to mention, it's so quick to whip up.

I have been loving my coconut flour lately. Again, like chai tea, I thought coconut flour was dense and dry. Indeed it is. However, blended with the right ingredients, it shines through in baked goods. It is really really filling as well. I whipped up 10 mini pancakes and hubby and I could not finish it at all. I had 2 and hubby had 3 and we both agreed the size of the pancakes are deceiving.

Chai Coconut Vanilla Pancakes
1/2 cup of coconut flour
2 tsp of cinnamon
1 tsp of baking powder
pinch of salt

4 eggs
1 cup of almond milk warmed with 2 chai tea bags
2 tsp of vanilla essence
1 tsp of maple syrup

Berries to serve- 1 cup of frozen berries and a few tsp of water

Whisk dry ingredients together. Whisk eggs, vanilla and maple syrup. Pour warm milk over the coconut mixture and work it in. Then add the eggs mixture. Spoon 1 tablespoon on a heated oiled pan. Flip it over after 3 minutes. Repeat.

Berries compote- In a saucepan, heat frozen berries with a few tsp of water. Cooked till soft and spoon over pancakes.

Happy Valentine's Day my friends!! Make this gorgeous breakfast for someone you love! xx 

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  1. ah nice.. gluten free... i love using coconut flour! thanks for sharing

  2. I've never tried coconut flour before. Sounds interesting. I like the gluten-free aspect! The pancakes look great.

  3. What a lovely idea to combine both tea and pancakes; and they just look so alluring! What better way to start the day than such a delicious breakfast?
    Hello again Daphne!:-) It's been a while, still remember me? ;-)

  4. wow! Its like having a chai latter but in the form of pancakes! That is awesome!


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Life is too short to waste calories!