Monday, May 19, 2014

Zucchini Ham and Olive Loaf

One of the things we love is the portability of bread or bread products. It's not bread that we missed per say (although sometimes we do eat bread when it's from a good bakery), but just the convenience of it. Of course, there are times when it is nice to have something to dip into a hot bowl of soup. It's a textural thing. The soft fluffy nature of bread paired with warm soup just seems to be so comforting on a rainy and wet day.

Sarah Wilson is big on "I quit Sugar".  She found what worked for her. Personally, I found that added sugar is a big culprit to weight gain, and feeling off in my tummy. Since eating clean, we hardly use any sugar at all, although I do use maple syrup and honey in small quantities in bakes. Sweetness is found in so many natural occurring food that I don't find it necessary to add sugar in our everyday meals and desserts. However, we never say no to a good piece of tart or cake occasionally when we are dinning outside.

She posted this recipe and I know I just have to make it. It's like a meal by itself. So full of protein and good fats, it went very well with my chorizo and kale soup. It was also a good breakfast item. I loved it toasted with a hint of butter.

In fact, this recipe is so good. I'm going to be making it and keeping it for years! I reckon this will be good with MORE zucchini and other vegetables like carrots. I'm thinking picnics, gatherings, party food...  Thanks Sarah!

Zucchini Ham and Olive Loaf
1.5 cup of almond meal
3/4 cup arrow root starch
1 tsp bicarb soda
1/2 tsp salt
5 eggs
1.5 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup of zucchini grated
tablespoon of parsley chopped
1/4 cup of chopped olives
1/2 cup of chopped ham
1/2 cup of parmesan cheese
seeds to sprinkle on top

Lined loaf pan with baking paper. Whisk dry ingredients together and wet (excluding veges, olives and ham) in another jug. Pour wet to dry and fold through. Fold through all vegetables, ham and olives last. Pour in pan, sprinkle seeds on top and bake for 35-40 minutes.

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  1. Nice! There is no oil in this recipe, filling and healthy!

  2. Love savory bread/loaf anytime! And this ham zucchini loaf sounds so good.

  3. great combination of zucchini with the ham. filing and sweet and i Love it

  4. I've heard so much about many going clean; and sugar-free and it is indeed a healthy move since sugar, especially is the major culprit to the start of many unfortunate incidents :-P
    This looks and sounds like a delightfully healthy recipe, and definitely a meal, I agree!~ :-D


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!