Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Best Friend's Birthday

I'm back in Singapore! Eight days in Malaysia flew by. I have lots of photos and makan places to upload so please do bear with me. I'm starting where I stopped last- before I left for Malaysia. Rest assured the photos of Malaysia food hunts will appear soon!

The last time I celebrated R's birthday with her was 8 years ago. I believe that true friendships are a rarity, and we are blessed to have each other. All 3 of us (including Peg) were looking forward to that birthday celebration.

I met up with Peggy in the afternoon first as Ruth had a lovely celebratory lunch with her family. Hungry, we went in search for some food.

Walking around Vivocity, we decided on trying to Sarawak Kolo Mee. Now, I have never been to Sarawak but I remembered my previous house mate raving about it (Jackson san, are u still reading this blog?). Curious, we ventured in.

Both of us took the S$6 bowl. A little steep for a bowl of noodles wanton noodles...

It came with a bowl of soup with 3 small wantons.

and Peggy captured a really ugly photo of me eating.....

But I couldnt be bothered taking another shot. I was too busy eating!
I do like the springiness of the noodles. The texture is certainly different from the normal wanton noodles. Worthwhile trying.

Jia Xiang Sarawak Kolo Mee
Basement B2-38

And then we met up with the birthday girl!

We bought our tickets to Sentosa Island!

We chilled at Bora Bora Beach Bar along Palawan Beach.

Babe taking photograph of our drinks. I had the mango margarita, Ruthie had the lime and Peggy had the tropical something.... (someone remind me?!)

Peggy and her drink...

We adjoined to sushi tei at Vivocity later. The food was average and the service was BAD. Twice they placed wrong food on our table, and they even misplaced one of our orders. They were not even polite in admitting their mistakes. shessh. As it was Ruthie's birthday + everyone was hungry, we didn't pursue it further...

My long awaited SASHIMI!!


more sushi- pretty normal. Nothing to shout about.

Softshell crab! Crisp!
Cold cha Soba after a hooottt evening, wonderful!
Ruth introduced this dessert to me.. I LOVED IT! So much so that I had this again when I was in Sakea Sushi in Subang Malaysia (My future-mother in law liked it too).

And we shared the peach ice-cream. I prefer the fish wafer though. =)
And we ended the night with....

Hope you had a blast Ruth!



  1. So much fun and lots of FOOD! How long will you be here?

  2. u r done with KL d?? a pity i couldnt meet up with u guys..well theres always next time!

  3. YUM! What's inside of that fish dessert?

  4. wouw...Durian Cake!!! I want a big slice :)


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!