Monday, June 09, 2008

Memories and tastebuds- Thosai

If you ask me what was my favourite meal during the recent trip to Malaysia, it would have to be Thosai.

Perhaps it was the fond memory of having breakfast with AR's family the first time a few years ago; or perhaps it was just the lovely taste of savory thosai that enticed me. Either way, I enjoyed this breakfast heartedly.

They (Ar's parents) laughed when they learned that I enjoyed thosai. They understood, however, that it was the simplicity of the meal and the welcoming gesture that I was silently after. Afterall, a breakfast with the family is just as important as the dinner.

Or maybe, they assumed that as a Singaporean girl, I would be expecting better dining options. Not at all.

How can I resist Thosai? The pancake with spicy condiments.

A warm cup of teh tarik to warm the tummy up. Ah, so much better than the AUS$3 cup that I paid in Australia (Malaysian readers will probably say I was cheated by the vendor).

Sinful crisp on the outside but soft on the inside- Vadai. Oh how I missed this.

Masala thosai- lovely curry potatoes encased in the thin pancake. Notice the sauces served. cooling yogurt/spiced mixture, dahl and curry sauce.

Rawa Thosai-the sinful one among all the thosai(s). The addition of vegetables did not make it healthier. Hot oil and ghee was poured on to the side of the thosai as it cooked. The crisp texture made the calories worthwhile.

Telur Bawang Thosai- how i miss this. Egg and onion thosai. The sweetness of the red onion went so well with the thin pancake.
Apum or hoppers were bowl shaped pancakes. The server generously placed a small bucket of coconut milk on the table as AR ladle scoops onto the apum. Creamy and tasty. It was not complete without the coconut.

An extremely satisfying meal. Any visitors to Malaysia must not miss this.

Sri Devi
Subang Jaya
(near row of shops, along with Maybank)


  1. Thosai, Roti Canai, Chapati...bring 'em on. Love these with the curry gravy!

  2. You write so well.... you make me miss these too and I just had them last week! Lol.

  3. Love thosai. When in Ireland was thinking of them cos have a vegetarian friend there and was thinking must bring her the next time she comes to visit and she might like it.

  4. nothing better then a masala thosai early morning..masala tea as well while u at it..

  5. I just had a good piece of thosai in California last week! So yummy! There are many indian eateries here due to the indian it is quite authentic.

  6. I love thosai, lovely food!

  7. I love thosai too...especially the paper thosai sprinkled with sugar. Yumzz! My current craze is roti milo.

  8. i wanna try to vadai...hmm crisp outside and soft inside...awwwww

  9. Simple food, yet so good. You really appreciate it even more when you can't have it for most of the year...


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!