Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oven Baked Curry Puffs

I have been eying this recipe for ages. Curry puffs are one of my favorite snacks as a kid-in fact, my favorite part is the egg and the crisp edges. These treats are usually deep fried and are probably not the most healthy snack around, but arguably one that is the hardest to deny.

The first time I read the recipe, I thought it was waaaay too much work and procrastinated attempting them. The "one day I will make these" eventually turned into 3 years.

Because these curry puffs weren't deep fried, the texture of the pastry wasn't the same. Nevertheless, it had a slight melt in your mouth texture which I found surprising. The pastry was rather thin as well and you get a generous mouthful of filling. I did not follow the recipe for the filling as the original recipe required coconut milk which I was reluctant to use since I froze some of the remaining puffs.

Oven Baked Curry Puffs (makes 25)

500 grams of plain flour
1 egg
150 grams of butter
50 ml iced water
pinch of salt
1 tsp of vanilla essence

3 potatoes chopped finely
1 onion chopped finely
3-4 tablespoon of your favourite curry paste
2-3 tsp of curry powder
1 tsp of minced ginger and garlic
pinch of salt

Egg wash
1 beaten egg

1) Whisk egg till smooth. Add vanilla essence and salt.
2) Rub butter to flour till it resembles breadcrumbs.
3) Add egg mixture and iced water and mixed with both hands to form dough. Cover with damp cloth and chill for 1 hr.

4) Meanwhile cook potatoes in a pot of salted boiling water till just done. Drain.
5)Heat some oil in a seperate pan and saute the onion, ginger and garlic. Fry curry paste as well. Add potatoes and curry powder and cook throughly. Season if needed.
6) Set aside and cool.

7) Preheat oven to 150C
8) Dust board with flour. Flatten a piece of dough to a thin disk. Place 1tbsp of filling at the centre and seal edges. Either use your fingers to fold wavy fringe or a fork.
9) Place puffs on baking tray. Brush with egg wash. Bake for 20-25 minutes till golden brown. Cool and serve.

I was lazy and used a fork to do the edges rather than pleating them. I wouldn't say they looked perfect but I'm glad I finally attempted them after 3 years!! And so, I have the privilege of bringing this dish to Dhanggit's perfect party dishes blog event. Happy first birthday Mayumi!!


  1. I love new ideas for potato...these little pies look amazing...I cant wait to try them myself....

  2. Great entry Daphne! I love oven baked curry puff because it's healthier and best of all, no shortening was used.

  3. I always want to make that.
    Looks simple to do, I'm just lacking some ingredients..hehehe

  4. How did you guess that we love curry in the house??? It will surely be a big hit for my little girl's party. Big hug for this delicious entry! yum

  5. Those curry puffs look so good!

  6. doggybloggy-another potato fan! yay!!

    little corner-thanks ching! U r right! No shortening. But still not as nice as the deep fried version I suppose. Not that bad but just not as good.

    Mrs ___to be-ya! It's not that hard. Just hv to assemble and hv abit of patience. The pastry wasn't hard to roll as well.

    dhangit-oh, I'm glad that curry is a favourite at your house! I made this mild so that the little kiddies might be able to try a few bites.


  7. You lost me at pastry. They do look very good, though. Makes me hungry already!! (Good thing can get my fix around the corner!)

  8. daphne, you are so amazing ... is there anything in this world you cannot bake/cook? heh

  9. i've never tried baked curry puffs, can send some over? :p

  10. Bake is definitely a better idea for healthy food.

  11. Oh, I've been wanting to make baked curry puffs, like you have been saying it for can't remember how long, I like melt in the mouth buttery shortcrust, am going to try it out.......

  12. I wouldn't have deep-fried this myself -- Would have gone the baking route. The thought of a hot vat of oil in my kitchen is scary.

  13. I've been wanting to make these too and in fact bought butter yesterday for the pastry. :) However, what stopped me each time was the filling as I didn't know how to make dry curry filling. Hehe. Will try your filling.

  14. You make them from scratch! Whoa!
    Now you can make sardine puffs too! The Singapore-kind?:P kekekekke....

  15. curry puffs would be the first thing i grab from the party table! I need to try this baked version of curry puff, the fried one is too much work for me. :p

  16. hey, i made these puff, it is healthy but still find fried pastry is better as these baked on are not crispy/crunchy enough

    thanks for sharing.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Just linked this article on my facebook account. it’s a very interesting article for all.

    Baking Oven

  19. Hello!
    The ingredients above can make 25 puffs? What if we want to make lesser, do we use lesser ingredients? :))
    Thanks! Also, can we use a diff filling besides curry?

  20. HI Jia Yun,

    The are mini puffs and yes you can half the quantity of the ingredients. You can definitely use a different filling but try to make a wetter filling as the pastry is not the flaky sort-more like short crust.



Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!