Tuesday, December 16, 2008

9 Days to Christmas- Tuna and Egg Toasties with Muruku Salad

I like my carbs. Especially when they come in the form of fresh bread. Toasties are one of my favourite form of lunches-there is something heart warming about fresh bread and fillings that make brunches/lunches enjoyable. 

Looking back, egg sandwiches are what I know how to make first. I can still vividly recall the steps my mum taught me. This time round, I added some pistachio nuts for the added crunch. 

Growing up, I love Ayam brand chili tuna! In fact, I don't think I ate other forms of tuna than that for many years.. until I discover other brands of chili tuna that does not have added oil in it. Still, if you ask me what is the best can of tuna-I would have to say Ayam brand! It certainly gives you the kick of spicyness. 

My love for spinach leaves can be seen (again!) here! But I was really bored with my salads that day and then decided to add a handful of muruku!! Not the healthest decision (And probably show how much I like eating them!) but it is certainly a tasty one. LOL 

Tuna and Egg Toasties with Muruku Salad

Tuna Toasties

1 can of chili tuna

 handful of cashew nuts


Turkish Bread

Egg Toasties

1 egg boiled, mashed and mixed with dijon mayo, salt, pepper

handful of pistachios

Turkish bread

Asemble sandwiches and toast them! =) 

NB: The last weekend was my uncle's wedding.... hence the reason for the lack of posting! But to show how small Perth really is.. look who I bumped into that evening!!

That's right! He is Samuel from Yummy Dummy!!! 


  1. hey we both posted tuna today....your sandwiches (toasties) look great!

  2. Hehe...haven't heard of muruku with a salad before....I must show my mum!! hehehehe.

  3. I love Ayam brand Tuna spread and chili tuna too!

  4. Muruku salad sounds interesting to me! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Muruku provided nice crunch to the plain salad. What a nice picture, everyone looks so pretty and handsome.

  6. Mmm look at that gooey cheese. It's a requirement for a sandwich to be a sandwich if you ask me.

  7. You look lovely Daphne. How do you stay so slim with all that pasta and baked goods?

    My verification word is "mushi." Haha. That's right. I'm mushy. :)

    Merry Christmas!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!