Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Bride of the Month-Sept

Woohoo! We just received news in our inbox that I am in the running for the bride of the month (Sept). Therefore, I'm asking a HUGE HUGE HUGE favour from everyone to please vote for us (me!).

This entry was based on our Perth wedding celebrations-and what a blast it was!!!

Please Vote Here.

The tricky thing is that everyone is allowed to vote once per day so it would be even better if voting is done daily. I know it's a huge ask.. I really really do appreciate it.

View our Perth wedding day here.



  1. Done!

    You're so beautiful!!

  2. Congrat! I've done my part.

  3. just did! will cast my vote daily, i promise.....

  4. Congrats ..
    just did.

  5. congrates!!! you are so pretty!!!
    i have put my votes :)))))

  6. Congratulations!! Done. Will try to vote everyday for you.

  7. I've voted! You look so pretty :)

    Just realized you brought your photos the other day, but we forgot to view them!! will have to do it again soon xx

  8. Hey just stumbled upon this blog when I was looking for recipes. Voted for you as well. All the best! :D


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!