Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Tiger Year!

Gong Xi Fai Cai!

Happy Chinese New Year everyone! What a lovely year it was and now we have approached the Tiger year.

I kept this recipe for more than 2 years now. Finally this year, a chance to try it out! Golden Pineapple Tarts.

Sure enough, it lives up to its name of being hard work. Yet every second was worth it. The night before, I cooked the pineapple filling. Soon after, the kitchen was filled with lovely scents of cinnamon and star anise.

On Friday, I quickly tapped away on my computer, completing all my paperwork before 2.30pm! SCORE! Time go home and make the dough.

Truth be told, the dough wasn't difficult to make. It was, however, encasing the pineapple filling into the dough that was tricky. Mine started out huge, then it became slightly more manageable.

Finally, an unglam picture of the hubby. It was the moment of truth when he bite into it.

He was kind and finished every bite of it. I found the dough/short bread to be too thick and wish I could have practice more to put more filling in it. Having said that, we both agreed that the filling was lovely and wasn't as sweet as commercially bought ones.

Thanks to the inspirations of Rasa Malaysia and Fresh from the Oven. It is the generosity of such great food bloggers who shared their secrets and kitchen knowledge that allow a novice like me to learn so much.

Here is wishing everyone a Prosperous New Year filled with happiness and joy. Not forgetting the most important one GOOD HEALTH!


  1. Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! And also Happy Valentines!
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  2. A roaring great year ahead, dear Daphne, and thanks for bringing a piece of CNY to my sis. :)

  3. Hi Daphne, Happy New Year. May you be blessed with good health and fortune in the tiger year. :)

  4. happy chinese new year!!! gong xi fa cai

  5. Huat ah Huat ah Huat ah ! ;p

  6. Hi Daphne,
    Happy Lunar New Year to you! These pineapple cakes look delicious :)

  7. Hey Daphne! Happy New Year!

  8. Happy Chinese New Year to you and to your family! May you have all the blessings that you deserve this year of the tiger!
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  9. Gong hei! Gong Hei! Ang Pow come come! :)

    hahahahah you hubby looked just "bahru" wake up and already tasting your cookies!

    Have a great time celebrating yeah! :)

  10. All hubs are the greatest for being the bestest guinea pigs hehehe... happy new year!

  11. Happy New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai!!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!