Monday, March 22, 2010

Baked Nien Gao

So this is an awfully late post- given that CNY was over more than one month ago! To add to the lateness, I spotted this recipe in 2008 by Little Corner. Two years later, I finally digged out the recipe that I printed and saved in my folder. It was one recipe that I kicked myself for not trying earlier- because it is dead easy and certainly a good talking point when we bought it to celebratory gatherings.

One batch certainly yields enough for heaps and heaps of people. I split mine into two serves and brought it to TWO gatherings. Talk about saving time and effort huh? ;p

My mother-in-law asked me over the phone what did I bring to one of our family gatherings (My father in law's cousins). I proudly said "Nien Gao!" which she replied "now that is an interesting dish to bring!" Phew.. I thought I nearly failed the "daughter in law test" given that we regretfully did not manage to return to Malaysia for our first CNY as a married couple. In fact, I felt like I have failed the "best granddaughter" test too when I had to tell my grandmother the same thing in Singapore. Though they understand, one cannot deny the pain that I felt when I heard the disappointment in our parents and grandmother's voices.

So hopefully we will be back next year!

ps- recipe from Lin.


  1. Haha, the surprising thing is that I too am laden with a couple of nien gao post-CNY and have no idea what to do with them. Oh do advise us on how to prepare them as dishes? :)

  2. Best way, my mummy's favorite has got to be fried or steamed nien gao! =)

  3. This nian gao does not look like the one I am familiar with .....looks more like a tart? ...hmmmm....

  4. never too late for us to savour a nice plate of nian gao. This baked version looks unique and delicious :)


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!