Friday, May 28, 2010

Coconut Jam Slice

I have never been a fan of dessicated coconut. It's more like the texture that I dislike. Till I met and marry AR...whom you guessed love love anything coconut. I have not met someone who like coconut the way AR does!

Being invited to this gorgeous gorgeous home for a pot luck gathering, I decided to bring a slice that I have been "procrastinating" to make. Given my "keenness" for coconut, you can imagine why I wasn't 100% on board with this bake. But I know AR and some of the guests will prob like this, so I thought it is time to try something new.

This jam slice won my heart. I bite into it and realised that my thoughts of  "surely I wouldnt like this" was wrong. Coconut isn't that bad afterall, and the texture is actually quite nice. Top with the correct ingredients of course.

It pays to try something new always. You might never know what you will discover. And what you may not like in the past, may be transformed.

Coconut Jam Slice (Taken from my first baking cook book "The Essentials of Baking")
1 cup of plain flour
1/2 cup of self raising flour
150 grams of butter  
1/2 cup of icing sugar (I used 1/4)
1 egg yolk
1/2cup of strawberry jam (I used 1 cup!!!)
3 eggs
3 cups of desiccated coconut

1) Preheat oven to 180C. Line square tin with paper.

2) Process flours, butter and icing sugar till it becomes fine and crumbly. Add egg yolk and process till it comes together. Press dough in tin and refrigerate for 10 mins.

3) Bake dough for 15 mins till golden brown. Allow to cool and then spread jam evenly over pastry.

4) Beat caster sugar and eggs together till creamy. Add coconut. Spread mixture onto slice. Gently pressing down with back of spoon. Bake for another 25 mins till it becomes slightly golden. Leave to cool and the lift the slice out. Slice into pieces.


  1. That's a beautiful home indeed... nice to bring your jam slice too. :)

  2. Your coconut jam slice looks tasty to me.

  3. I don't like coconut flakes, but I love its fragrance.

  4. gee my hubby also likes all things coconut. i hv put up a moist coconut cake recipe recently in my blog, perhaps you might wanna bake that for AR :p


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!