Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Baked Spring Rolls

Most people will know of spring rolls as deep fried entrees in a party or in your local chinese take away shop. I decided to experiment with the spring roll wrappers and baked the rolls instead. The result is a slight crisp parcel with heaps of goodness inside. Although not as crunchy as the deep fried version (I wonder if my filling was too wet?), it was certainly a healthy meal!

Another twist in this rolls, I added some left over rice in them. Just a way to add some carbs without over doing it. I served these babies with some side veges and my favorite chili dipping sauce! 

Baked Spring Rolls 
around 10 pieces of medium size wrapper defrosted

300 grams of pork mince
1 onion chopped finely
1 tsp of minced garlic
3 stalks of finely diced celery
1 finely diced carrot
2 tablespoon of oyster sauce
2 tablespoon of soya 
1 tablespoon of dark soya
1/2 cup of hua tiao jiu 
1/2 cup of left over rice
1/2 tsp of sugar
heaps of pepper!

Saute garlic and onion. Add pork and cook till done. Dont forget the veges! Add in all sauces. Toss in rice. Simmer for around 10 minutes. Season with sugar and pepper. Taste to see if it is salty. Set aside to cool.

Wrap rolls up with cooled mixture. Spray with some oil. Bake in a 200 C oven for 15-20 minutes.


  1. Wow, great idea. I think it's just the oil that you need when deep frying to get it crispy.

  2. Oh, next time I should try this method. :)

  3. I have yet to try this baked spring roll but totally loved this healthier version. Would it be crispier if you use egg wash instead of oil?

  4. I like the idea of baked spring rolls too. not only less oil, also easier clean up ;)

  5. I love that these are baked and not fried! I usually stay away from spring rolls...but these are delicious and guilt free!

  6. Sig-Yeah! I'm tempted to try rolling it with other ingredients too.

    little inbox-let me know how u go!

    little corner- i think it is worth a go! thanks for the tip.. hmm..u might be right on that one.

    noobcook- exactly! and i can have the "just one moreeeee.."

    Joanne- my sentiments too! And because it is baked, i can cook many of them at one go. Saves time too.

  7. I will try baking next time. Good idea.


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Life is too short to waste calories!