Sunday, November 14, 2010

Country Women's Association Cookbook- Seafood Cornflake Bake

 My colleagues and I-we are obsessed about food. There is something about food that brings different cultures together. It is also a stress-relief. It is a talking point of what to bring for our weekly morning tea (to sweeten our long meetings and calm our hungry tummies), or to discuss where can we find good value and fresh sushi (I can have it for lunch and dinner every day I think). Strangely, most of us are not even born in Australia.

I noticed a Country Women's Association Cookbook lying around and asked my colleague what is this about? She replied that Country Women in Australia often needs to be creative in their cooking- given the time and lack of resources sometimes. Not to mention, good value for money. I like the sound of it already. I quickly flipped the pages and this recipe caught my attention-really, it's the cornflake crust. I don't have the "proper" recipe and chose to recreate it from memory. I think it is even called something else! But I can assure you that it features tuna in it and cornflakes. Doesn't that combination sounds yucky?I can assure you that it turned out delicious!

Having a better understanding of the Country Women's Association, I appreciate their recipes even more. For the past few weeks, I have been struggling with meals and time. You may have probably even read what I mentioned before- cooking a few meals in one setting to make sure we have something warm and fairly nutritious when I return home late at night. It's starting to show and I even went through a period of time where I actually thought I lost my mojo in cooking and baking! Horror of all horrors!

I started to re-create some earlier recipes that I have blogged prior and reminded myself to be kind... to myself. That was why I started the blog, to show that meals can be quick and most of the time, healthy and low in fat and calories. It is OK not to have home cooked meals every day. It is OK not to re create something new every few days.

It is ok to be kind to myself ;)

Seafood Cornflake Bake (Serves 4-6) 
2 cans of tuna in spring water
150 grams of prawns shelled (I happened to have some prawns in the fridge)

2 tablespoon of spread
1 tablespoon of flour
1 cup of soy milk (I might have put around 1.5 cups)
1/2 of low fat cheese
around half a cup of corn flakes crumbs (u can buy them in a box!)
2 cups of frozen veges (I used peas and corn)

Melt spread. Add flour and cook till golden. Add milk and whisk till it thickens. Add cheese. Season. Add tuna, prawns and frozen veges. Spoon into a casserole dish. Top with corn flake crumbs. You can spray it with some oil to make it more crispy. Bake in a pre heated 200 C oven for 25 mins.


  1. keen to try this out. but what is spread? this frog under the well is clueless, haha!

  2. love the oozing cheese, very comfort food. yes food (eating/cooking or both) is a great stress reliever!

  3. celine- sorry! I meant butter or margarine.

    noobcook- I agree!! it is comfort to the max.

  4. You had me at the oozing cheese. I am wondering if I have seen corn flake crumbs in a box ...hmmm...maybe not. But we can always DIY and "grind" them at home?

  5. comfort to the max indeed! and i always get inspired by your baked dishes :D

  6. Looks good to me, my girls loved this kind of food. I need to stock up on canned tuna when it's goes on sales.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!