Friday, December 10, 2010

Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter and Cranberry Cookies

Usually at around this time of the year, I start looking at recipes to make some Christmas Cookies for friends and ourselves. This year, I spotted this recipe and thought I could give it a go. Afterall, it has peanut butter in it!!

It was a tad too soft for my liking, though we totally did enjoy it. AR likes the touch of pumpkin seeds which has the added crunch to it. 

I  baked it for an additional 5 mins just to make it more crisp... I suspect though that with the high content of fat from peanut butter, it make it crumbly but not crisp. pr maybe... just maybe.. it's because i ran out of almond meal and used flour!

If you like your cookies crumbly, this one is for you!

Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter and Cranberry Cookies ( makes around 45) Taken from Australia House and Garden Magazine
250 grams peanut butter (or almond butter)
1/3 cup of honey
2 eggs
1/4 cup light olive oil
2 cups of almond meal(I forgot so i added flour instead!)
1/2 cup of dark choc chips
2/3 cup cranberries
2 tbsp of pumpkin seeds

Preheat Oven 175C. Mix nut butter ad honey. Add eggs, oil and combine. Fold in almond meal, choc chips and cranberries.
Place tsp of mixture onto baking tray lined with paper. Flatten slightly and press pumpkin seeds into it. Bake 15-20 mins. Cool and store.


  1. Every year around this time, you'll have your blog template make over hor? I noticed that. :)

  2. hahaha.. little inbox- u r so observant with a good memory too. has it been only a year, i kept thinking around 2 years already but was bored of that one.

  3. i LOVE the addition of peanut butter heheheh

  4. cranberries give the cookies a nice festive cheer... yummy looking ^_^

  5. These cookies sound delicious! Definitely festive for this time of year!

  6. I don't really like soft cookies too! Hee heee....crumbly or light and crispy ? Yes.

  7. rita- me too! hehehe

    noobcook- I love cranberries!!! They give all cookies such a lovely sweetness.

    peggy- for sure! thanks for dropping by.

    tigerfish- me too! Cookies that are soft are sooo wrong i think! :)


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!