Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Aussie- Lamingtons

A few weeks ago, I was invited to Rick Stein's hunt for Australia's Top Food Bloggers. While I hesitated to participate (a little humble blog of mine to compete in Rick Stein's event- A HUGE chef?), hubby convinced me to give it a go. While I don't consider myself an Aussie yet, I have been here for more than 11 years (really!?) and truly love the food, culture and people.

and it's my way of saying a big thank you to the generous people who welcomed me in their lives in this big country, and to celebrate what I learn about food here.

I have to say I had fun trying to choose a recipe for this. I asked my colleagues, friends and family members what would they consider as Aussie food.. Their answers

1) Aussie BBQ
2) Anzac Cookies
3) Pavlova (Gotta love a good pav!) 
4) Kangeroo Steak (noooooo..)
5) Beef Pie 


6) the good old Lamingtons.

I chose Lamingtons-although a big juicy steak pie came very close second. Lamingtons can be seen as a humble sponge cake rolled in glistering chocolate and coconut. The combination really is what I know about Australia and what I come to love about it. Fluffy vanilla sponge cake represents people with big hearts and a slang that I had difficulty adapting to at the start (difficult= it wasn't easy to make the sponge! I know, I had a warp sense of humor), warm chocolate is the sweetness that fill my heart as I call this country home..and coconut... well, I have to find something that represent my husband whom I fell in love in this country.

Yes, my hubby loves and obsesses about coconut. He likes this dessert waaay more than I do and because of him, I reach for a lamington faster than him in church morning tea on a Sunday morning! Talk about influence.

The best thing about making these is that I can be as messy as I want and that's ok. It's lamingtons. It's my ultimate favourite Aussie dish because this is simplicity dressed up. It's not that complicated but it brings smiles to the kids, the friends, the family and most of all, the loves.

Lamingtons (around 16 pieces)

Sponge Cake
1 1/4 cup of plain flour
6 eggs
3/4 cup caster sugar
60 grams butter
1 tablespoon of vanilla essence

Preheat oven to 180C. Sift flour 3 times. Place eggs and sugar in mixing bowl and use an electric beater to whisk it for around 5-8 minutes. Fold sifted flour into egg mixture- around 2 times. Fold butter. Spoon into lined 9 inch square cake pan. Bake for around 25-30 minutes till the cake is springy to touch. Cool for around 1 hr.

Cut cake into squares.

Icing (Adapted from Donna Hay)
3 cups of icing sugar
3/4 cup of cocoa powder

1/3 cup of boiling water
75 grams of melted butter
(optional-1 tablespoon of baileys, or rum) 

dessicated coconut

Mix all up till smooth. Using a fork, dip each cake pieces into chocolate and roll it on a plate of desiccated coconut. Set on a wire rack.

lick fingers. eat.

oh! Did I mention that Rick Stein is coming to town? His fresh, no nonsense and funny cooking will be touring Australia in late March and April. I really do hope I have a chance to see him on stage! Wish me lots and lots of luck.

Rick Stein Food Odyssey Live On Stage



  1. If you had not said they were lamingtons, I would have thought they were nyonya keuh...

  2. I used to hateeee lamingtons muchh when I was still oz. The coconut flakes irritate my throat much. But now, I kinda miss it once it a while. Weird eh? hehehe

  3. Yes, I think lamingtons taste really much like the nonya kueh ! Probably because of its texture and the coconut used to coat it !

  4. this is new to me, but it look so good.

  5. Never in my life have I heard of these beauties but never have I wanted to make something as bad as do I these right now. I am serious- making them this weekend. seriously- so good!

  6. Did you adapt this from Donna Hay? I have the same recipe book :) I've yet to try lamingtons but now you just inspired me to :P Love your story too!

  7. Your lamingtons look great. A bit troublesome to make though.

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  9. The first time I knew about lamingtons, I thought it was a kuih too.. I have never tasted it but I bet its good!

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  11. i always thought they are like candies from the picture and i didnt know that they are little sponge cakes, first time i'm reading a lamington ignorant! i think they are also adorable looking!

  12. tigerfish- actually now that u mentioned it.., it does seem like it is kueh!

    rita- actually me too!!! Only recently that i take a liking to it.

    joyce- so true I think

    sonia- thanks!

    jessica- u got to let me know how it went!

    Min- Yes! from Delicious and Donna Hay! Very aussie LOL

    Ching- Ya I agree! Easier to buy.. LOL

    Lena- hehee. no's not very common I think!

  13. Your description of all these Australian delicacies makes me want to move! Juicy steak pies, these fabulous lamingtons...I would probably never leave.

  14. I love lamingtons but ..hmmm.. I am just too lazy to make them myself.. ;-)) well done babe!!Your lamingtons look great

  15. Lamingtons are indeed very typical Aussie, I don't know why I never really wanted to eat Lamingtons when I was still in Sydney, now I need to make them myself when I want to have some :(!

  16. Joanne- hahaha, u will love it here!

    Jin Hooi- thanks!!

    Cooking Gallery- It is only recently that I grow to like them too.. one of those that require acquired taste perhaps? :)

  17. Hi Daphne, please to meet you! I'm from Perth and a Rick Stein fan. I love those lamingtons. We call them jelly cakes as well. Used to make them by dipping sponge in strawberry jelly, iconic Aussie "Aeroplane" brand. Well done!

    When I did my entry, I was in disbelief my partner just wanted a char grilled Aussie beef burger.... not kangaroo, fresh Kailis seafoood or anything fancy with bush herbs

  18. Hi Daphne,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Your blog is really good. I am impressed with your lamingtons. I'm going to try these.

  19. Yes, I think lamingtons taste really much like the nonya kueh

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Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!