Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Peanut Beef Rice Noodles in Soup

As the weather starts to cool down, I'm starting to cook more soup noodles. There is something sooo comforting on a Saturday night, armed with hot soup and a good dvd. Nothing more, nothing less. It also means we are starting to really move out of our newly wed status and just become..dare I say it... a regular married couple LOL

I'm starting to browse through older cook books again, and this Chinese and Asian Periplus step by step cookbook caught my eye again. It's soooo old that I can't even find it on amazon. I suppose they have probably re packaged it into another cookbook name again. I recall a previous housemate made this amazing beef soup with rice noodles and I asked her how did she do it....she gave me this sheepish look and said... "actually, I took that recipe book from your room....." That was 9 years ago.

To think it took me 9 years to remember this amazing dish. 

I'm very proud of my collection of ever growing cookbooks with plenty of tabs to remind me on the dishes that have caught my eye. A friend even said to me that I really should identify at least 5 recipes that I would cook in a book before buying it. It's good advice I say! However, I'm not proud that sometimes, I neglect some of my older cookbooks- all of which consists of some lovely recipes that I had wanted to try but have forgotten one way or another.

So I challenge you- have u got an old cookbook that you have not flipped in ages? Take it out, it may surprise you!

Peanut Beef Rice Noodles in Soup (serves 4-5)
300 grams silver side beef sliced very thinly
2 tsp soya sauce
1/4 cup of coconut milk (I used around 100 ml)
1 tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
2 tsp of sambal oelek or chilli chopped

2-3 sticks of rice vermicelli blanched with hot water
1/2 cumber sliced and quartered
3-4 cups of bean sprouts 
1 ltre of beef stock
250 ml of water
2 tablespoon of fish sauce
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
few stalks of coriander
1/2 cup of roasted chopped peanuts

First marinate beef with the ingredients. Set aside for around 25 minutes or so. 

Prepare rice noodles and stock. Simmer beef stock and water. Add fish sauce and sugar. Taste test and adjust accordingly. Add  bean sprouts.

Heat a grill or small pan till very hot. Sizzle beef. Cook for 3 minutes or so. Set aside.

Divide noodles in bowl. Add some cucumber in bowl. Ladle hot soup over it. Add the beef and sauce. Sprinkle with peanuts and coriander. Serve with some chopped chili.

I'm back on Presto Pasta! Organised by Ruth from Once Upon a Feast and hosted this week by Chez Cayenne! What great fun they are having!



  1. your autumn is my spring, that bowl of noodles look so comforting (i suck at poetry) hehehehehhhh

  2. I definitely have a backlog of cookbooks that I keep forgetting about! Eep. Thanks for reminding me to use them. I hope they have some gems as awesome as this in them. Love the peanut sauce on top!

  3. You know I have always been hesitant on using that much peanut butter in my sauce because my husband is not a fan but I really think I could get him to go for this recipe. Might just trick or rather surprise him tonight because this sounds to good to pass up! Love ya

  4. You had me at peanut beef! Don't think I ever had this dish before, but I love most peanut based savoury dish :) YUM!

  5. It's fun to revisit those old recipes sometimes, isn't it? Thanks for sending this over to Presto Pasta Nights!

  6. Don't think I have seen this noodle dish before but it sure looks delicious.

  7. rita- it's ok! u have done better than me.. LOL

    Joanne- thanks joanne!

    Jessica- ooo u got to try it! It's simple yet delish!

    Min- LOL me too!

    Claire- thanks for hosting.

    Ching- yeah! my grandma loved it too.

  8. oh yes, you reminded me of that! i do have somre really old cookbooks, must start to dig them out, btw, is this a vietnamese dish?

  9. I don't really get a lot of cooking ideas from cookbooks since I don't have many cookbooks but I have a weak spot for magazines. And it is like I have "bookmarked" so many recipes from magazines in my mind, but forgotten about them after a while. I guess flipping them again will help.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!