Sunday, July 10, 2011

Potato and Broccoli Soup

There are nights where we just want a simple dinner. No rice, no nothing but just soup and toasties. Melted cheese and ham on bread (especially since I can't have too much cheese makes this super appealing to me!) with a bowl of hot simmering soup.

I love thick soups like this. It gives the illusion that cream is added to it but it's really simply potato and broccoli. No fuss soup  blended to create such warmth.

I made this soup before heading to the gym for my zumba workout (loveee zumba!) so I wrote a note to hubby asking him to eat first. As I read it now, it says FAT ME instead. DOH! Subconsciously perhaps?

Potato and Broccoli Soup (serves 4)
4 medium size potatoes peeled and chopped
1 onion sliced
1 tablespoon of garlic 
2 medium size broccoli chopped
1 ltre chicken stock

Fry onion and garlic. Add in potatos and broccoli. Pour stock in and cook till done. Blend in liquidizer till smooth. Serve with some Parmesan cheese and toasties.



  1. Daphne, I love this recipe - simple veggies and stock. No butter or cream. It's perfect when I get fresh veggies from farmers market and make this!

  2. The soup looks great Wish I could eat at your house this week!

  3. Love this comfort soup, simple and healthy.

  4. i would love this non creamy version too! you're on zumba? that must be fun!!

  5. I love chunky soups sans cream. This looks healthy and delicious.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!