Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!

The best thing about the new year is that we get to review our goals and blessings and set new one for the new year.

I have been quiet for the past week, taking the time to enjoy our families and just being with each other (and working!). It allowed my mind to be still for just a while, to think back and to set new goals for the next year.

Last year, I wrote about the life highlights and cooking/baking enjoyments. I spoke about some of my goals for the year of 2011. It struck me that this is a good space to re look at these goals and reflect the growth that occurs in many ways. Time seem to just fly by so quickly, more so when I started working and life responsibilities set in.  Life should not just slip by and every year should be treasured.  What else is a better way than to set life growth goals and grow in them!

and counting every single blessings that God has provided. In the midst of challenges in the year, He knows what we cannot handle and can. This account is a true reflection that even through the midst of dark times, there are still so much joy.

Highlights of 2011

  • We started building our home sweet home! 

  • We attended one of my best buddies' wedding. 

  • We went to busselton and was at the Micheal Buble's concert. 
  • We headed to Melbourne with a few friends. 
  • I took up boxing, zumba, body balance and pump classes, which resulted in a stronger, healthier, better coordination (those who know me know that I trip when I walk!) and a happier daphne. I found muscles! 
  • I am learning and still trying to relax obsession of the weighing scale and just learn to love who I am more. 
  • I achieved another milestone in the area that I am working in. Developing and leading a team has made me more humble as a clinician than ever before.
  • I have a fringe! :) 
Cooking and Baking Highlights? 
  • I made curries!!!! 

It has been a blast of a year.

Goals for 2012 

  • Attempt to make creme brûlée again. First, I have to locate some butane for my torch! 
  • Definitely more ice-cream making. I have my eyes on making vanilla bean ice cream and rum and raisin! 
  • Embrace my roots and make more home styled asian dishes. 
  • Be kinder to myself, to praise the Lord for creating us and loving my body. 
  • Continue with my gym workouts (haha, I know you are thinking I have broken the last goal already but it is to be healthier!). Being stronger and tone within. 
  • Working hard in being even another step closer to our dreams.
  • On top of respecting my husband, but also to speak kinder and be more generous with my words.
  • Enjoy the process of moving into our new home. 
  • To pray more.

Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Whatever your goals were, or challenges you went through, it's time to take a deep breathe and move forward! May this year will take you greater heights or grow as a person within greater than before. 



  1. You certainly achieved a lot in 2011, may you achieve your goals in 2012 too. So happy that you get to move into your new house soon, perhaps a baby in the picture?

  2. Happy new year, Daphne! Looking forward to more delicious posts from you in 2012!

  3. Okay, first of look AWESOME. Love that fringe! You're so inspirational. :)

    Second of all...thanks for all of the good food you post throughout the year. Here's to more deliciousness in 2012!

  4. What an amazing year! Happy new year and cheers to even more amazing things! <3

  5. I wanted to make your French dessert actually , I hope I can make it in the New Year. Look like you have great accomplishment in 2011. Happy New Yeat 2012, Daphne!

  6. A very nice recap of your 2011 and hope you achieve your goals for 2012. Happy New Year to you and yours. Hugs.

  7. Nice recap of 2011! Wishing you and your family a very Happy and Successful 2012!

  8. what a wonderful review of your year and I am so glad we crossed paths this past year. I wish you all the best and here is looking forward to another great year of delicious dishes!

  9. happy new year, Daphne ! Looks like it has been a great year of achievements for you too! btw, you need not be too obsessed with your weight, you are slim and pretty!!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!