Thursday, January 05, 2012

Gogo's Lamb Curry

Indian food is very pricey in Perth. There are of course, some hits and misses as well. On the occasion that we do have Indian food, we aim to go to the reputable ones such as Gogo's, Two Fat Indians and would you believe.. the tiny indian place just a 10 minutes walk from where we are!

Earlier in the year, I spotted a recipe that Chef GoGo has generously shared with readers of the Sunday Times (News). I kept that paper and said I would attempt it. It looked relatively simple, and the usual doubts crossed my mind... like why would a chef want to share his recipe with others?

However, hubby and I agreed that it is better than the Lamb Curry 2 that I made early last year. It is a keeper of a recipe. I love how simple the blends of spices are as well. The only thing was that I could not justify having 100 ml of oil so I reduced that to 1 tablespoon. Also, I added some cauliflower for a one pot dish. Will be making this again!

GoGo's Lamb Curry (serves 4-6)
700 grams of lamb pieces (I used a small shoulder)
2 onions chopped
4 chopped roma tomatoes
50 grams chopped garlic
50 grams chopped ginger
1 tablespoon of oil
2 tablespoon of chill powder
2 tablespoon of coriander powder
2 tablespoon of cumin
1 tablespoon of turmeric
1/2 tsp salt
120 ml of coconut milk

Optional- half a head of cauliflower

Heat oil and sauté onions. Add meat with ginger, garlic and salt. Sweat till juices come out. Add spices and lower heat. Simmer for at least 45 minutes (I cooked mine for 1 hr+ and the meat was tender as!).

Add finely chopped tomatoes and cook for last 15 minutes. Add coconut milk at the last minute. Serve with hot rice.



  1. I have never cooked lamb before, Thanks for sharing this simple recipe.

  2. Did it taste the same as the one in the restaurant? ;) I also don't buy lamb, but glad you liked it.

  3. I like the addition of cauliflower in the lamb curry. And you should know I am a fan of Indian food and spices. ;p

  4. I too always wonder about recipes that chefs share...can they really be the REAL thing? I always suspect that they leave out a key ingredient just so that our dish doesn't taste exactly like theirs and so that we keep coming back to their restaurant. In any case...this does sound quite delicious!

  5. so does this recipe taste like the ones that you had in Gogo?

  6. Love this one-pot dish! I thought chefs share good recipes as a teaser so you'll go back to try their other dishes.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!