Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Poached Eggs on Halloumi Cheese Salad

There is something about Nigella that just calls out to me. Her way of talking about food, writing about food and just how she enjoys it. I spotted this recipe on her app and was excited about it straight away. We are having warm summer nights and salads just seem to be enough for dinner these days.

Oozing egg yolks on squeaky cheese is such a lovely combination. Why didn't I think of it before? No dressing needed, just a squeeze of lemon juice.

Poached Eggs on Halloumi Cheese Salad(Serves 3)
4 free range eggs room temperature
250 grams halloumi cheese sliced

4-5 cups of salad greens
1 lebanese cucumber
1 capsicum
cherry tomatoes
mint leaves if you like

squeeze of lemon

Using a cold pan, pan fry halloumi cheese. In a shallow pan, add water and bring it to boil. Add a tablespoon of vinegar swirl it gently. Pop an egg in a bowl first, then gently pour it into the boiling swirling water. I like to spoon some of the egg white to cover the egg yolk.

Mean while, assemble salad, put cheese on top. Pop poached egg on top of salads. Repeat to poached eggs. Squeeze of lemon to finish the dish.



  1. Nice salad! Halloumi cheese is new to me.

  2. The oozing egg is calling my name!

  3. nigella is my kinda woman and this is my kinda of salad! loveeeee <3

  4. I am really liking this salad!

  5. Gong Xi Fa Cai ! Just have time to visit you after Pai Tin Kong, hehehe. Thanks for sharing this recipe , I would love to learn on how to poach a egg.

  6. Yummy!!! My mouth waters just looking at your pics.

  7. i've tried halloumi cheese somewhere and i quite like it, that melting cheese on the cheese..ooo.. looks absolutely tempting!


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Life is too short to waste calories!