Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Smoked Salmon and Mushroom Frittata

I'm not sure if you are as egg crazy as I am. I have recently discovered eggs to be one of the most nutritious food. Also, the protein in egg white resembles our protein we need in our bodies- hence it also helps in repairs in our cells and muscle tissues.

The other thing I like is that it is a all in one oven dish. The kind you shove it in the oven and forget about for the next 20 minutes and then dinner is done. That kind of perfect.

The picture isn't that pretty, and really, it's not the real frittata. I was so short of time that I didn't even set the eggs on top of the stove. I just baked it.

I added in smoked salmon and mushrooms in it. Paired with a green salad. It's a quick dinner in the making. And if you are looking for something to make for your love ones... this could be it! ;)

Smoked Salmon and Mushroom Frittata (serves 4)
200 grams smoked salmon
8 eggs
1/4 cup of soy or rice milk
4-5 field or button mushrooms chopped
1 tomato slice

Arrange mushrooms and tomatoes in a oven proof pan. Then arrange smoked salmon. Whisk eggs with milk and seasoning. Pour over veges and smoked salmon and bake in 200C oven for 20-25 minutes till eggs are set!

Happy Valentine's Day!



  1. Oh yes, that kind of perfect...I know, and exactly how I like it. I am also egg crazy and you are so right that egg is so nutritious! Egg yolks is also a rich source of choline that is good for the brain; so now I no longer believe when pple go around talking about high cholesterol in egg yolks cos' as long as we don't overeat, egg yolks is fine.

  2. I go through phases with eggs and you've just pushed me into a crazy-head-over-heels in love phase with this awesome recipe!

  3. as of lately, i hv been making quite a bit of breakfast at home and been putting eggs here, eggs what do you think, am i egg crazy or what??

  4. I like fast quick meal too and this salad looks healthy. Yeah, eggs have been getting a bad rep until recently. Finally I can eat eggs without feeling that it would increase my cholesterol.

  5. you make it sound really easy to make and the end result looks fab!

  6. You just inspired me to make this Frittata tomorrow lunch. We have opened package of smoked salmon that I have to use, and this is perfect. I have everything in the fridge. It looks so easy and perfect lunch for myself and the kids! Great timing Daphne, thanks!

  7. Thanks for sharing this easy and yummy recipe , perfect to serve for a light lunch.

  8. how wonderful this would have been on v-day if I would have seen it then. I love frittats and I love mushrooms- the two together has to be amazing! Been a crazy week but i'm back! Loving this recipe

  9. Hey Daphne! My wedding was over for a month and everything was good, with some hiccups though. I will try to post in my blog, if not pictures when they are ready! :)


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!