Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cauliflower Nut Butter Chicken Dumpling Soup

So I admit, I have days where I do not cook. Yes, I have a food blog. Yes I love food and love planning and thinking about what new recipes or experiments I can have for the week! And here is a secret of mine... I cook in batches on some weeks.

Like this soup. I think I made enough for 3 days worth of meals. I had 3 pots going at once! Ok, fine I don't have very big pots, but hey, even 3 medium size pots shows commitment right? Or maybe it means I should invest in one (actually, I do have one but it is in a box packed ready for our new home!).

On some nights, I just want a warm soup, re heating it in a sauce pan and just drink it up. Much as I love cooking, just not thinking about meals at times seems to help. Do you have those moments too?

Oh. And I love my nut butters. Take this one, it's Almond, Brazil and Cashew nut. I love how it actually add flavour to a otherwise possible boring soup. Yes, the little chicken mince dumplings help as well. I wanted to call them chicken balls, but erm..they sound wrong..... so dumplings they are going to be!

Cauliflower Nut Butter Chicken Dumpling Soup  (10-12 servings)
2 medium size heads of cauliflower
2 zucchinis chopped
2 cups of button mushrooms
1 onion chopped
2 tablespoon of chopped garlic
1/4 cup of your favourite nut butter
2 capsicum chopped
2 litre chicken stock
1 litre of water

400 grams chicken mince
2 chili padi chopped
1 tablespoon of garlic
1/4 cup of almond meal
1 egg
salt and pepper

Marinate chicken mince with chili, almond meal, egg and seasoning.

Heat oil in big pot. Saute garlic and onion. Then the nut butter. Cook cauliflower till soft. Add zucchinis and capsicum. Add chicken stock and water and simmer for 15 minutes or so.

Cool soup slightly. Blitz soup in blender in batches. Then return soup to pot. Using your hands, wet it and shape mince into little dumplings. Drop into soup. Simmer for another 15 minutes or so. Taste and season. Serve warm.



  1. I like your use of nut(s) butter in this! A nutty creamy soup can absolutely make it a one-meal.

    Like that you cook in batches and freeze them too. I wanna do more of that so that I don't have to panic abt nothing to eat on those lazy busy days. Sure beats dining out.

  2. I don't feel like cooking everyday! :) Been trying over the years to like cooking, but it is not really happening, haha!

    Love your nutty twist to the soup. Will definitely try it out. :)

  3. I definitely have days where I don't cook either! Leftovers are key. Love the nut butter in this cauliflower soup! I wouldn't have thought to combine the two!

  4. I like the idea of cooking in larger quantities and freezing! huge time saver for busy days and nights.

  5. Hmmm...I like your idea of making a big pot of soup and freezing as sometimes I have no idea of what to cook for lunch and often resorted to instant ramen. Freezing soup sounds like a great idea instead of ramen!

  6. I'm a 'cook in mass' cook as well! Leaves me more time for other important catching up on tv shows! ;)

  7. Yum!!! Just a stupid question here, where can I get nut butter from? Supermarket?

  8. Jin Hooi- Yes! In the health food section. Or health food stores! ;)

  9. yeah daphne, tell me about it, i do have plenty of these lazy days that i do not feel cooking at all and at times if it's just me alone, i just cook a quick noodles from the packet. i have not had nutty soups like this but it does sound appetising and good to me. I hardly cook in large batches , only do it for chicken or fish stock for cooking noodles or porridge purpose.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!