Monday, May 14, 2012

Lemon Syrup Loaf Cake

Lemons are always in our household. I have it with some warm water in the morning when I wake up. When we have a cough or cold, we have honey lemon drinks. I use it in most of our salad dressings, or even in cooking. The tangy, aroma smell of the lemon can be so refreshing.

I spied this little recipe in Nigella Lawson's How to be a domestic goodness" book. Lemon syrup loaf cake. I love how it states syrup gets soaked into the cake it make it moist and lemony!

I know, how ironic for me to be posting a post on cake with syrup when my last post was about living clean and healthy! HA!

Well, I also said that food is meant to be enjoyed. I do like my little treats here and there. It's life. I'm not perfect. ;) If I do eat a baked item, then it has to be of a good quality-either home made or somewhere reputable. This post is deliberate because living clean is life long-and it's a habit. It's not ok to have deliberate sugar or refined carbs everyday. It's ok to have something once a week.

But coming back to this lemon syrup cake. Oh my. It was worth it. I made it for work for a thank you afternoon tea, and it was well received. I had it on my cheat day, which is 2 days after and it was lovely. Simple. Uncomplicated. Perfect with a cup of tea.

Lemon Syrup Loaf Cake
125grams unsalted butter
150 grams castor sugar
2 large eggs
zest of 2 lemons
175grams self raising flour
pinch of salt
4 tablespoons of milk

juice of 1.5 lemons
100 grams icing sugar

Preheat Oven to 180C. Line loaf tin with baking paper.

Cream butter and sugar till fluffy. Add eggs and lemon zest beating them in. Fold in flour and salt, then milk. Spoon into loaf tin and bake for 45 mins.

Make syrup by putting lemon juice and sugar in saucepan, and heat till sugar dissolves.

When the cake is out of the oven, poke holes all over the cake, (yes go crazy! the more the better!), pour syrup over cake and let it absorb. Remove cake from tin only when it is completely cold.



  1. Looks so moist and delicious. I must bookmark this to try. I loved lemony cake too so what a plus!

  2. Thank you for this recipe that I like a lot, I have all the ingredients I will surely do it! I wish you good luck ....

    voyance gratuite par mail

  3. since you love lemon you should try baking this lemon yogurt cake but i would always add orange in the mix as well to get a really nice aroma and taste ;)

  4. it looks so moist and delicious, sweet but not too sweet. Do you think I could do this with lime?

  5. your kitchen must be filled with lemony citrus fragrance when this is baking. looks great!

  6. This is one of our favourite cake, you remind me I have so long did not bake one .

  7. Your cake looks incredibly moist, soft and delicious! Perfect with a hot cup of "chai".

  8. there's always lemon in my kitchen too, if not oranges and i always like to squeeze a lemon on some iced cold water especially on hot crazy days here. Your cake looks perfect, wonderful texture too!

  9. little corner- so glad you like it

    June- I agree.


    Sonia- That's because you are busy baking other delicious food! :)

    Asmita-thank you for dropping by! I agree!

    Lena- ooo orange will be fantastic with this cake as well!

  10. This sounds insanely delicious! I adore lemon in baked goods!

  11. Hi Daphne, these the kinds of food that are dangerous to bachelors. 2 spoonfuls, not only forget mother's name, but might lose his bachelor's degree, ha ha.

    Wow! Love your cooking! Bet you have a Black Belt in cooking and baking. Outstanding!
    You have a nice day, and keep a song in your heart.
    Best regards.

  12. i really like how tight the crumb looks, and how simple the recipe is! bookmarking to try :D

  13. Joanne- me too1
    Uncle Lee- thank you!! That is so kind of you.
    Janine- :)

  14. Always love lemon in sweets. This looks very moist and yummy! I personally love lots of glaze on top...


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!