Thursday, November 08, 2012

Lamb Meatballs Salad with Yogurt Chives Dressing

Eating from a plate is easier than eating from two plates. First up, there is less washing. Second, I only have to plate up one plate. Third, there is some pleasure from sharing a plate with someone that you love.

Making lamb meat balls and grilling them up are easy. Assembling a salad? quick and clean. One of the things hubby and I have been trying to do is to sit and enjoy dinner without rush and interruptions. That is a luxury- even with a couple without kids! Clutter and noise seems to fill our day and we are learning how to cut back on distractions.

As the weather warms up, our meals get lighter. But just barely. The other day, I had a salmon and brie cheese for lunch and I nearly forget how delicious simple salads are. I am sure, there will be more to fill our plate...and to share in months to come.

Lamb Meatballs Salad with Yogurt Chives Dressing 
500 grams lamb mice (I mixed mine with some pork mince)
handful of pine nuts
1/4 cup almond meal
1 egg
salt and pepper
few drops of tobasco sauce
dash of Worcestershire sauce

Mixed salad leaves, avocado and cherry tomatoes

Chive Yogurt Dressing
3 tablespoon of greek yogurt
1/4 lemon juice
small bunch of chives chopped finely

Marinate lamb mince for 10 minutes or so. Shape into meatballs and pan fry them.

Meanwhile, assemble salad and make dressing. Place everything on one plate. Dig in!



  1. Sharing a plate makes it more romantic too! :) But I like the less washing part. :D

  2. This sounds fantastic! This is a totally new combination of ingredients, I am very intrigued!

  3. Since we heavily depend on the dishwasher to wash the plates, bowls, utensils etc. and turn it on just 1-2x per wk, it will also mean more plates for me to use for the week if I use less plates during that one week :)

    Well, everything in the kitchen really needs planning even too such details :p

  4. I should eat more low-carb yet delicious salads like this!

  5. I love turning main dishes into's such a fun way to get more greens in!

  6. oh, i dont mind sharing the same plate with my loved one, even sharing the same spoon ..LOL!

  7. That's so awesome.I really enjoyed what you share.
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Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!