Thursday, July 11, 2013

5 Spice Honey Drumettes

The quiet anticipation of awaiting the arrival of bub is so precious. I'm feeling increasingly uncomfortable and heavy. I can understand why the body gets to the stage where it is not practical or comfortable to hold a baby in any longer. However, I am also sitting in the moment where bub and I share that special space that only a mother and child can have.

It's also a time where hubby and I reflect that life will probably never be the same again as a couple versus with a baby. We anticipate that regardless of how difficult it is, no one can fully prepared us for what will follow. Sleepless nights, dealing with bodily fluids, never having that flexibility that we are used to, costs, focused change.. oh what else have I missed? everything probably!

I have always spoken how marriage is a bond and this baby will bond us even more together. It will be a test for sure.

Getting increasingly tired means dinner preparation is slowing down too. Free range chicken drumettes were on sale at our local supermarket recently and we bought 3 kg of it! Lucky we have a big freezer now for bulk buys like this. I decided to marinate it the way my grandmother used to do it for me when I headed out for bbqs with friends as a teenager and stuck it in the oven to bake. The result was a no fuss but delicious quick dinner.

5 Spice Honey Drumettes (for 2-3 people)
10 little chicken drumettes
2 tsp of 5 spice powder
1 tsp of honey
1 tsp of sesame oil
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
white pepper

Marinate chicken with all ingredients overnight or for 2 hours. Pre heat oven to 180C and bake chicken for 40 minutes or so.

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  1. I love that glaze you used!! And yes, while you're right that nothing will ever be the same, I think it will be the most wonderful change!

  2. Yummy! A nice touch of honey would bring out the overall flavor!

  3. hi daphne, this sounds and looks very good! will your grandmother be flying to perth for your confinement?

  4. oh yeah, you did mentioned that your grandma will be preparing the confinement food for you..i forgot! that's going to be a yummy month!

  5. this looks delicious! the glaze alone makes me drool!

  6. I like this simple five spices marinate with chicken too. You must be exciting and count down on the arrival of your baby, take good care .

  7. Thanks Joanne!

    Ching- I think so too.

    Lena- yes! She will be. Unfortunately her wrist is in a sling but my mum will be here too.

    Jessica- thanks.

    Sonia- I am! Thank you.

  8. yummy yummy, i love drumsticks.


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!