Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year 2014

Happy New Year!

Where did 2013 go? Last year this time, I was pregnant and suffered from very bad morning sickness. This year this time, we have Asher in our arms. Every year this time, I like to reflect on the year and focus on my goals for 2014.

Highlights 2013

-We travelled back to Singapore/KL in February and March. It was such a relaxing trip spending time with our family. We splurge and stayed in Marina Bay Sands.

- We celebrated our 4th year wedding anniversary at Bistro Guillaume with my big tummy.

- This is the longest period that I have not worked. I went on maternity leave in June in anticipation of Asher and took time to enjoy the period before he arrived. It was a time of reflection as I know life will never be the same again! A dear friend even threw me a baby shower!

- I spent 3 months with my family. What a treat. My mother, father and grandmother travelled from Singapore and stayed with us when Asher arrived. I was so spoilt by them. There is something about being around them that made me feel so looked after.

- My in laws came and fell in love with Asher.

- I turned 30! I spent the day relaxing with hubby and Asher, squeezed in a massage and even managed a boxing session in the afternoon.

- BIGGEST highlight. Asher arrived.

You see, there was once a time when I thought I may never be able to experience having a new born baby in my arms. I promised myself that if I do fall pregnant, I will take it as it comes. Yes, the morning sickness was bad, I gained heaps of weight, labour was handwork and the recovery wasn't pleasant. But I would do it all over again

- I have continued to eat healthier and ventured into the world of clean desserts!
- I have gained heaps of baby weight and lost pretty much of it.
- Learned how to brew soups and more Chinese meals from my grandmother.

As for my goals for 2013..
  • Continue to eat clean food by using less processed ingredients and fresh ones. Checked! 
  • Fulfil last year goal of making creme brûlée! I still have to find butene.......  NOT CHECKED! I still need to find butane... 
  • Definitely more home styled asian dishes. I don't think I did enough last year. And if I can, make more kuehs! Oh, perhaps making bak kwa! Checked! I made Bak Kwa!!! I made Kueh, hand pulled noodles, Ginger Wine Chicken and I made Chinese drum lets
  • Definitely more baking.  I did! And some more clean baking too. 
  • Keeping it simple. Reduce commitments and learn how to breathe more Checked! Nothing like a baby that keeps life simpler. 
  • Maybe looking at developing my blog further.  New layout and cleaner designer but more work needed for my directory of recipes. 
  • Praying more with my hubby.  Ongoing!
  • Embracing more life challenges and excitement in 2013! Asher was my hint. Checked! 

My goals for 2014 
- Continue to create and experiment clean desserts and meals.
- Make that cream brûlée!
- Getting my fitness back on track.
-Make baby food...
- Not sweat the small stuff as much
- Travel back and see my family even more.
- Stay in the moment more. Babies grow up too fast.
- Thank God every day for our blessed family.
- blog more often!

Wishing everyone a fantastic New Year! Make 2014 better than 2013! 

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  1. I am so happy for your happy 2013!! Wishing you so much more happiness in 2014!

  2. yes, may 2014 be a better year for all of us! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  3. Happy New Year Daphne! you definitely achieved a lot in 2013!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!