Monday, March 24, 2014

Winter Melon Soup

One of the things I picked up during my recent trip to Singapore is to brew soups. As I grow older, I'm realised the nutritional value of having a bowl of slow cooked chinese soup for dinner.  It nourishes and is packed full of antioxidants.

In Singapore, my grandmother and mum cooked up a mean winter melon soup. The used a longish melon and would shred the fruit till it becomes "noodle" like- perhaps it is also called a winter squash. Here though, all i can find is the round version of winter melon. Hence I tend to chop it up in cubes.

I love the sweetness of this soup. The addition of dried oysters and scallops just brings it to another notch. Best of all, I'm sure this gets the nod from my family and in laws as a asian housewife.

Winter Melon Soup
300 grams winter melon in cubes
Reserved melon skin (Just 1-2 slices)
300 grams pork ribs
5 red dates
2 dried oysters
2 dried scallops
1 dried fig

Scald pork ribs. Place all ingredients in the slow cooker or thermal cooker. Slow cook for 5 hours or so. Enjoy!

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  1. I love this soup! Such a comfort food and must be really sweet with the added dried oysters and scallops! Yummy!

  2. A big bowl of soup always sounds good to me!

  3. i didn't even know this existed. It sounds delicious and comforting. Love the added sweentess of the melon


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Life is too short to waste calories!