Thursday, April 24, 2014

Frozen Bananas Berries Ice Cream

Oh my goodness! Have I just discovered like the best healthy ice cream ever? Have I been living under a stone? Who would have thought that frozen berries and bananas blitzing it together will create like amazing ice cream?

Totally. In. Awe.

It must be some sort of food science. Too bad science (except for biology) was never my strong subject. Looking at a few health food blogs and instagram, people were commenting how lovely it is to blitz up frozen banana. I always have some frozen bananas in my freezer- it's my quick snack. A little with almond butter goes a long way. Sometimes, I throw them into smoothies. And now, it can be ice-cream! I also love the colour of the ice cream from the berries.

Surely I can have this up my sleeve in the future for an "ice cream" when Asher discovers the world of sweets?

PS- Happy 5th Wedding Anniversary! I will write more in my next post. But today is officially 5 years since we signed the papers.

PPS- Happy 9 months Asher.  Nine months of you in our life. We love being your parents.

Frozen Banana Berries "Ice Cream" (serves 2-3)
2 frozen bananas
1frozen cup of mixed berries

Blitz everything up. It will look like granita at first, keep going and it will turn into a creamy texture. DIG IN!

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  1. hi daphne, congratulations on your wedding anniversary. I did tried frozen bananas to make ice cream, i think it's a superb idea whoever created that..haha..and adding berries sounds refreshing too!

  2. Looks great, save money on the Yonana machine! ;)


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!