What a Saturday! Attended a wedding in the morning that moved me to tears! Roger and Fiona- you are such an inspiration to me!!
Was tagged by Jackson earlier today =) So here goes my reply!
Layer One : On the outside
Name : Daphne
DOB : 30th of October 1983 (presents? ;p)
Current status: Seeing someone =)
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Black
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Layer Two : On the Inside
Your Heritage: Cantonese
Your Fears : public speaking! but I'm getting better at that!
Your Weaknesses: Lazy, impatience, anxious
Your Perfect Pizza: low fat n low calorie.... ;p
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: It's Roger and Fiona's wedding "announcement" today. I don't have to work this morning. How to fit in groceries shopping? (yes.. i have alot of thoughts running through my mind in the morning!)
Your Bedtime: Varies. Around 12.
Your Most Missed Memory: Malacca Trip.
Layer Four: Your pick
Pepsi or Coke: Neither! Can't take soft drinks.
McDonald's or Burger King: Neither. Although Maccas do offer a good range of salads now.
Single or group dates : Depends. I like both! Can see the person in both ways mah!
Adidas or Nike: It used to be Adidas... but now nike.
Tea or Nestea: Tea! (especially Earl Gray and Green tea)
Chocolate or Vanilla: Pass me the chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
Layer Five: Do You
Smoke: Nope! I can't even STAND the smell of it.
Curse: No. =)
Have a crush: Not now.
Think you've been in love: Still in love.
Go to school: yes.,.. *sobsob*
Want to get married: Eventually. Yes,
Believe in yourself: Yup! I doubt myself too. haha,.
Think you're a health freak: Abit lah.... Not to the extreme though. Still adore my chocolates and chips.
Layer Six: In The Past Month Have you...
Drank alcohol: Yes! White wine on Tuesday night. It was Clinical Psychology Information night and I had to speak about my experience... Following that, we mingled around and I had a glass (hey! lecturer offered me..)
Gone to the mall: Yes.. Garden City a few weeks ago!
Eaten sushi: Actually...just 3 hours ago. hahha
Dyed your hair: Nope...
Layer Seven: Have You Ever...
Played A Stripping Game: ?!??! How can u ask a girl such a question? NO lah.
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: hmm..tough one. I don't think so.
Layer Eight: You're Hoping
To Be Married: not at this moment but in the future yeah.
For a: KITCHEN AID MIXER (and a gift of writing...)
Layer Nine: In a Boy (For guys, In a Gal)
Best Eye + Best Hair Color Combination: *shrugs*
Short Hair or Long Hair: Short hair please!
Layer Ten: What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago: Doing this,
1 Hour Ago: Trying on a dress.
4.5 Hours Ago: Tearing at Roger and Fiona's wedding.
1 month Ago: Probably working or in uni...
1 Year Ago: No need to guess, sure in uni! hahah
Layer Eleven: Finish The Sentence
I Love: bake and cook.
I Feel: Excited. Dinner later!
I Hate: hypocrites and bad service.
I Hide: when I feel overwhelmed and stress.
I Miss: grandma.
Layer Twelve: Tag Five People
1. Little Corner
2. East Meets West Kitchen
3. Babe in KL
4. d- "Dancing Blue Seal"
5. Ruth
I Need: a holiday. A REAL one.
Isobeyaki Mochi with Cheese 磯部焼き餅
5 days ago
One thing i like about tags... I get to know more about the person doing the tag. We share the same birthday year.
Hi Daphne,
Thanks for the tag but for personal reasons (as with all the other tags I've been getting), I won't post this on my blog but just as a reply to you instead since I think it's fair that after reading abit about you, you should know abit about me. The replies that say "na" are the ones I won't be answering for various reasons. Cheers!
Layer One : On the outside
Name : D
DOB : Aug 8th 2006
Current status: na
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: depends
Righty or Lefty: southpaw converted to righty
Layer Two : On the Inside
Your Heritage: na
Your Fears : Boredom
Your Weaknesses: Food?
Your Perfect Pizza: High fat, a total greasebomb and artery clogger =D
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: What to eat for breakfast (I'm serious!)
Your Bedtime: Varies. Around 8-9pm
Your Most Missed Memory: na
Layer Four: Your pick
Pepsi or Coke: Diet Pepsi Vanilla Twist but I stir it first to get rid of the bubbles haha.
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger king - triple whopper.
Single or group dates : single is fun, group? Ooh that's pretty kinky stuff!
Adidas or Nike: neither.
Tea or Nestea: Tea (Longjing from Hangzhou)
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee (Vietnamese coffee - rum/butter/cherry blend)
Layer Five: Do You
Smoke: tobacco? no.
Curse: na
Have a crush: na
Think you've been in love: don't believe in it
Go to school: na
Want to get married: na
Believe in yourself: yes.
Think you're a health freak: the way and things i eat, what do you think? haha.
Layer Six: In The Past Month Have you...
Drank alcohol: yes.. last nite? yes.. hahaha, nite before? yes...
Gone to the mall: Yes. Macy's
Eaten sushi: yes at Todai - not very good
Dyed your hair: No
Layer Seven: Have You Ever...
Played A Stripping Game: na
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: Never. I rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i'm not
Layer Eight: You're Hoping
To Be Married: na.
For a(n): epiphany
Layer Nine: In a Boy (For guys, In a Gal)
Best Eye + Best Hair Color Combination: na
Short Hair or Long Hair: na
Layer Ten: What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago: dazed from just waking up
1 Hour Ago: sleeping
4.5 Hours Ago: still sleeping.
1 month Ago: getting ready to move to nyc.
1 Year Ago: getting adjusted to working in sg
Layer Eleven: Finish The Sentence
I Love: food - it doesn't betray you haha.
I Feel: cynical.
I Hate: incompetence.
I Hide: never.
I Miss: na.
Alamak! So many layers, so little time! What to do?
teckiee- *high 5*!
d- thanks for doing it!
east meets west kitchen- i will be waiting! =)
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