The beauty of instant noodles lies in the ease of preparation and affordability. Having a quick and fulfilling meal for under $2-that's not a problem. I remembered discovering Indomee during my first year of college. I had that pretty much every single night. Yes, I didnt know how to cook then (*hides in shame*).
I like this particular brand. Mainly because of it's texture- very springy and that it is low in fat.
Their soup seasoning can be quite salty, so I opted to put in 1/2 a packet. I also added some Goji seeds for the extra sweetness. Throw in some mushrooms balls, an egg and lettuce from the garden- and that's lunch. Lovely for a cold afternoon.
Ok- I couldn't finished that bowl.
What's your favorite way of preparing instant noodles?
Oh my goodness, your bowl of instant noodle looks absolutely tempting! *slurp slurp*
Well for me, I ate tonnes of Indomie too during my uni years in Adelaide. My favourite way of eating it would be with Vietnamese Pork or Beef Balls. My last fav before I left Australia was the Spicy Korean ramen, also best eaten with some cabbages and the pork balls! ;-)
What variety! Looks delicious.
I just had a pack of maggi noodle! it was cool!
You couldn't finish it! I don't think one bowl is enough for me :O
I do my fav way like yours - dropping in an egg!
I like Myojo chicken noodle too but I remember it as a yellow package with red logo instant noodle...hmmmm....
tankiasu-yeah! I do like the spicy ramen as well. It has a real kick to it.
Kelly- =)
Big boys oven- it's so versatile isn't it?
tigerfish-that is what i remembered in SG too.. maybe it's regional.. or because this one is not deep fried?
I used to add some shrimps, choy sum, hot dog and an egg to my instant noodles. Hmm...drizzle a little bit of garlic oil also.
Usually just plain because I'm freaking lazy! :P
There's a girl in ur noodle! Wearing a green dress.
celine- Oh wow.. hot dogs! I haven't thought of that yet. Sounds great..esp with garlic oil.
Littler corner- plain is good! haha..
Shuying- now that i take a closer look, it does look like a girl... hahaa
Hi daphne, I have added you in my blog.
in summer, i'd boil the noodles and drain them, then run them through ice cold water and drain them again. served with good ol' dashi in a bottle with some wasabi and a quail's egg... instant cold noodles.. :D
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