Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First Holiday Post

It's day 4 of my holiday and I'm in bliss. Sleep, hugs and food does wonders to one's mood.
Departing Perth. See that smile!

8 hours later (5 hours flight + 1 hr of sleep + 2 hours of catching up with mum)...

We arrived at Bishan Junction 8 food court.
My Yong Tou Fu order. I have been craving for FRESH YTF for a long time. Especially staring at flogger's blogs on YTF! I had mine dry with lots of yellow beans, chili and sweet sauce. NICE! S$5-what a bargain for 10 pieces (I regretted ordering the noodles. I was so full just by eating YTF).

AR's Laksa YTF. The gravy was sooo good that I haven't seen him slurping up that bowl so quickly! See the before and after look:
Give that man a bowl of laksa YTF and sugar cane juice and look at that grin!

Yong Tou Fu
Junction 8
Food Court
4th Level


  1. Seriously, this is why Singapore is a food paradise. Good food, anytime, anywhere. What a difference 5 hrs flight makes. The Yong Tau Foo was just excellent, the way I like it :)

  2. I keep thinking I'll only see some updates here 1-2 days later but I forgot it's only 5 hours flight! :O

    Gosh, I have to bear with 12+ hrs of flight every time from California back to SG!

  3. His happy face speaks it all!

    Welcome to Singapore and enjoy all the delicious food while you can!

  4. I know the exact feeling of how it feels to arrive home after a long time away. It is so relaxing and you seem to have a care in the world and just eat shop and sleep to your hearts content!

  5. armand- yum

    tigerfish- oh wow..that's such a long flight!! how do u take it?

    little corner- to u too!

    hazza- thanks!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!