Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Newton Circus- Seafood Galore!

One of the most popular tourist eating place is Newton circus. Usually I avoid tourist places but this is one exception. I like it because of the variety and the food is actually pretty good. It was AR's choice of wanting dinner there-simply because he remembered the fun and lovely seafood we had the last time we visited SG.

It didn't disappoint this time round:
We met up with my beautiful bridesmaid + best friend Peggy. Yes, she was being her cheeky self...
My adorable and understanding father.

Who can resist tender sting ray slathered with sambal?
My must order from Newton- Sambal Kang Kong!
The satay was too dry for my liking but on the bright side... that means it was healthier?
I couldn't stop eating this. Oyster Omelette! This was SOOO good and they were really generous with the oysters too. The eggs was crispy and oysters were fresh. Just thinking about this makes my mouth waters. I suspect this was from Hup Kee stall 65.
The man and his coconut.


  1. I haven't had a coconut like that in about 16 months! And I am a HUGE coconut fan!!

    I think you can't go past this place for variety. The food is just so good, each and every dish we tried.

  2. hey you're back!!!!!! hehe. see u on the 30th :p where do u stay btw? bishan?

  3. Hehe...looks like you're getting all your local food fixes. :-)

  4. I bet you are enjoying all the food! Yummy food!

    Oh my, you are an exact "photocopy" of your dad :)

  5. Oh man, I haven't had my ikan bakar and oyster omelette yet! Too many things to eat but too little time, furthermore I have been gaining so much weight! *faint*

  6. sounds like you're having fun. good! you deserve it after all you've been through with the thesis. have a good one :)

  7. hey welcome back to sg!! i bet you're enjoying and traveling around sg now :)

  8. Yummy... I wish I can eat sambal kangkong for EVERY SINGLE MEAL... even breakfast! (Can have it with nasi lemak ma...)

  9. And the eating marathon has begun.

  10. looks like a wonderful time...and the food looks so delicious and your father looks so happy and the oyster omelette should be MINE

  11. well leave ur empty stomach for sunday!

  12. wow so much droolious food! I bet you have eaten a good share of local food by now, heh. Enjoy the rest of your holiday!

  13. Glory food, amazing, my favourite dish satay!

  14. sorry daphne, i wont be able to meet up with you this sunday :( enjoy your food escapade with the gang :D

  15. the photo u taken, is much better than b4 liao.. got improve.. haha~

  16. Hey, how's holiday so far? Sadly i couldn't make it on both meet-up. :( Hope you are enjoying your trip back.

  17. armand- coconut soon?

    evan- oh yeah!

    jackson- it was soo goood.

    lyrical-i can't get enough of local food.

    tigerfish- hehe.

    little corner- more to your list ya?

    dee- thanks!

    zhenning- I'm really enjoying it all!

    kenny- oh yeah. I missed the sambal!

    Tummythoz- hehe. i hope i can still fit into my clothes.

    doggy- come over! u will love that!

    joe- craving yet?

    noobcook- =)

    bigboys oven-too bad, this one not as nice.

    babe-no worries.

    kyo- thanks!! i still hv lots to learn.

    precious pea- ya! sad that i didnt get to meet u. holiday is going well soo far!!!


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!