Saturday, September 06, 2008

Apple Kiwi Crumble

Cold or warm dessert?

Back in SG, I'm always running towards the cold desserts. Cold Ching Teng, bubble tea and ice-cream are some of my favorites. The weather plays a part I suppose, and something sweet and cold helps in cooling down from the hot, humid weather.

In Perth, I'm frequently torned between both. I have grown to enjoy baked puddings, crumbles and warm molten chocolate cakes. AR on the other hand still prefer cold desserts than warm.

Apple, kiwi crumble is a way to reconcile the two together. He can have the ice-cream, I can have the crumble.

Apple Kiwi Crumble (Serves 2)
1 apple chopped
2 gold kiwi chopped
1 generous tablespoon of brown sugar
1 cinnamon stick
2 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 cups of oats
1/2 cup of flour
1 tablespoon of butter
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
1 handful of crumbled walnuts

1) Preheat oven to 180C.

2) Place apple, kiwi fruit, cinnamon stick, sugar in a small saucepan. Heat it up gently. Stir frequently till the apple softens. Stir in vanilla essence. Pour mixture into ramekin.

3) As the apple/kiwi mixture cooks, place flour and butter into a bowl. Rub butter into flour till it resembles breadcrumbs. Fold walnuts and sugar through it. Sprinkle mixture on top of apple/kiwi mixture.

4) Bake for 25 minutes till the top turns golden brown. Serve with ice-cream.


Beachlover said...

See another crumble here!!.What a nice combination!!.I never bake any crumble b4.I think it's about time for me to start baking again:))

CECIL said...

This will such a nice warm dessert for cold winter days. Delicious!

paw paw said...

O! I love crumble EVERYTHING.
Seeing yours, I wanna go make apple crumble too.

Retno Prihadana said...

Hmm....give some for me:)

Jude said...

Ooooh Kiwis and apples sound like they would complement each other so well.

Anonymous said...

hey, thanks for the great idea... kiwi and apple... it's gonna be good... :)

Marie said...

Crumble! I love crumbles, but have yet to make one. Reading people's cooking adventures have made me realize I have a bunch of irrational cooking phobias! Thanks for the inspiration!

Noob Cook said...

This is so nice :D Weather here being so hot, I think I need extra scoops of ice cream to go with this delicious crumble :)~

Jin Hooi said...

I always prefer cold dessert, BUT your crumble looks yummy !! I am drooling !!

Dee said...

Great mix, Daphne. I love the kiwi and apple combo! Of course, crumbles anything rocks, don;t you think?

Kajal@aapplemint said...

think i would love it warm all the way :)

daphne said...

beachlover-ooo. i would love to see what u can create!!!

cecil-yes!it's warming up over here though.. =)

pawpaw-yeah! me too!!!

retno-"scoops a bowl"

jude-surprisingly, they did!It was what I had left in the fridge. hehe

marie-keep the cooking inspirations going!

noobcook-hehee. i welcome the extra icecream too.

jin hooi- thanks babe!!

dee-I agree!

kate- hehehe. best of both worlds. =)

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