Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Crispy Pork Balls, Brie Cheese and Hazelnut Pasta

Oh ok, so I have been going a tad over board with mince these days.. But hey, but they are really versatile and cheap! Not to mention, most mince are lean (if you choose the correct one) and easy to prepare.

This is pretty much a "leftover" dish- The brie cheese added the creamy touch while the hazelnuts provided the crunch. Surprisingly, the cheese and nuts went very well together.

Crispy Pork Balls, Brie Cheese and Hazelnut Pasta
(serves 4)
200 grams pork mince
2 tsp of corn flour
3 tsp of soya
1 generous tsp of garlic
2 tsp of sweet chili sauce
pepper and salt

Pasta of your choice cooked and drained.
Sliced mushrooms 1 cup
1 cup of snow peas

50 grams brie cheese and handful of crushed hazenut.

Marinate pork mince with all ingredients. Shape them in little balls, pan fried them and drain them with paper towels. Saute snow peas and mushrooms with some olive oil. Toss them through the pasta and pork balls. Dish it up... crumble cheese over pasta and sprinkle crushed hazelnuts over the dish.

Dishing this up for my friends at Presto Pasta! The host this week is founder Ruth from Once Upon a Feast.
Wedding thoughts

As the day draw nearer and nearer.... it amazes me how steadfast we feel and how excited we are. The thought of walking through life together with another person...the feeling is amazing.

I'm a realistic person and realizes how tough the journey of life can be. At the same time, excited about the prospects and plans God has for us. From that point forward, it will be us facing adversity and joy together. Oh maybe after a few years when life becomes mundane... we may change our tune, but relationships constantly needs re-working isn't it?

Maybe I will look back on this post in a few years time and ponder about it even more! hahaha.

As we attended our pre-wedding preparation course/pre-marital counseling, it makes me realize that if we are doing something difficult for us but will benefit the other person in the relationship-it is to be seen as a gift. A precious one...and that is something I have to bear in mind.

A wife. How odd does that sound? Yet the prospect of being one seems....amazingly wonderful. The responsibilities of being one can be daunting but a step at a time right?

23 days to our Big day


  1. First time I see hazelnut in pasta...must be good! I love hazelnut.

  2. Mince is easy. Never too much of it.;p

  3. the pasta with meatballs, just lovely... but your count-down pictures are all awesome!!! :) i bet you guys are so excited... cheers to both of you...

  4. meat balls with Pasta... look really GOOD!
    Congratulation!!!... married soon eh~


Thank you for taking time to drop me a line or two. I will respond to all messages as soon as I can! Have fun.

Life is too short to waste calories!